•Yerin X Taehyung•

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"Mhmmm...." Yerin moaned out in pleasure.

"So good....." Taehyung wiped his mouth and continued to slurp the substance.

"I want some more...." Yerin whined. Taehyung slaps the paper bowl down and stretches his arms behind his head.

"That was delicious!" He stands up and walks to the milk section buy the both of them a carton of milk.

"Here." Taehyung passes one to Yerin who was laying her head down on the counter. She opens it and takes a gulp of it. The coldness of the milk went perfectly with the ramen she just ate.




"I'm not buying you any more ramen."

"Hmph." Yerin turns away and sulks. Taehyung smiles and finishes his milk.

Taehyung and Yerin both have a huge addiction to ramen. Both of their families were poor when they were younger so the only food they could afford was ramen from the convenience store.

A ring chimed as the door opened. A cute and short girl with her hands interlocked with tall boy entered the store. Yerin watched as the girl picked up a package of ramen.

"Can we please buy this?" The girl swung his arm. The boy ran his fingers through his hair and yawned.

"Alright. Only for my little potatoe, Eunha." Eunha cheered and did a little dance as the boy carried the boxes of ramen to the counter. Yerin bit her lips in jealousy.

"See Taehyung? Look at that guy. He is buying a whole package of ramen for her. Can't you do that for me?"

Taehyung watches the pair. "I think we better leave." He stands up and pulls her. Yerin flops onto her chair and hugs it tightly.

"I'm not leaving until I get one!"

Eunha and the boy sat two chairs down from Yerin. She opens it and pours the hot water into the container. Yerin licks her lips together. Eunha stops when feeling a pair of eyes watching her.

"Can I help you with anything?" Eunha asks Yerin.

"Uh, no? I mean, it's just that your ramen looks delicious and I really want some but my friend over here won't let me but I'm starving even thou-" Yerin rambles on but stops when Eunha passes the ramen towards her.

"Have it. I already bought so much." Eunha says. The boy next to her whispers something into Eunha's ear.

"Yeah, she really wanted some ramen." Eunha smiles at Yerin before taking out another one.

Yerin looks behind her, expecting to see Taehyung but he was gone.

'Taehyung wouldn't mind if I just ate one bite, would he? Nah.' Yerin thought to herself before slurping a noodle.

Yerin almost finished the whole container but before she could take the last bite, she pushes it away. Taehyung comes and sits next to her.

"I just had to use a bat-" Taehyung stops and wipes Yerin's lip with his finger. He sighs when seeing a red smudge on his thumb. "You ate another one."

"No I didn't! You don't have proof!" Yerin cross my hands over her chest and look away. Taehyung looks behind her and sees Eunha who was eating away her ramen.

"Excuse me but did Yerin take your ramen?"

The boy next to her opens his mouth to say yes but Eunha shuts him off. "N-No, she was just sitting there next to me."

Yerin mouths a thanks to her and Eunha winks back.

"Oh okay, sorry." Taehyung bows and returns back to his spot.

"See? Told you." Yerin suddenly stands up and walks towards the ramen aisle.

"Yerin! Come back here right now!" Yerin ignores his shouting and grabs 50 packages of ramen.

She puts it on the counter and pays. She grabs the full shopping bag and grabs Taehyung.


Before walking out the convience store, she says a thanks to Eunha. Yerin drags Taehyung to her house and brings him to the washroom.

"What are you doing...." He glances at the 50 packages laying everywhere on the floor. "with this many ramen?"

Yerin starts pouring the noodles into the bathtub. Once she empties out all of it, she turns the water on, turning the hard noodles into soft ones. As a final touch, she sprinkles on the spice.

Yerin dips in her legs before submerging her whole body into a tub full of ramen. "I saw a video of this person filling her tub with pudding. So why not I do it with ramen?"

Taehyung stands there, not sure what to do.

"Now stop standing there like an idiot and join me with my RAMEN PARTYYY!!!"



What is one food you can't live without? Mine are French fries, specifically from McDonald's u prob already know that lmao ill be writing a one shot about me X fries 😂

Highlight medley is outttt and love bug sounds like a jam hdhdjssjjaha

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