Chapter 1

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A/N: I know the title probably sounds sexual, I honestly didn't mean for it to be that way, but later on in the story there might be some indications of smut (or actual smut scenes depending on how I'm feeling). This will be a slow burn kind of fic, just FYI. A lot of it will still carry the Canon situations but with Stiles as the main man, which means a few things that happened later in the storyline, might happen earlier in this story, depending on Stiles wit for his own situation. Now that I've explained that, continue on.

Stiles gasped for breath as he ran out of the woods, the howls of whatever bit him - ow, fuck, that hurts like a bitch, I'm so blaming Scott for this - ringing in his ears. He heard the honk of a horn from the car on the road and flailed out of its way, barely missing the opportunity to become a roadkill pancake.

Stiles panted as he laid on the side of the road, not wanting to move an inch after the encounter. No doubt Scott was back at home now, getting a good nights sleep because of his stupid asthma that gave him away to his dad. Stiles was kind of regretting looking for the dead body now that he'd seen it. He'd be having nightmares for weeks now.

Stiles pushed himself up to stand, rubbing his wounded side with a groan as he dragged his feet back to his jeep just in time for it to rain. He needed a nap.


Stiles noticed it when he was driving to school the next morning. His radio was old, something he expect of his piece of crap car - don't worry baby, I still love you, even if you're crap at what you do - but it was gaining static as he drove. He blamed it on the roofs of the shopping centre, they were made of some kind of aluminium, which always made the radio flimsy when he went past.

The static was normal one moment before it suddenly crackled in his ears so loud he had to pull over to cover them with a wince. He thought his ears would bleed if not for the fact he smacked the radio dead. He'd only planned to tap it off, but he cracked the glass and bent the metal, the dial for volume smacking his chest when it popped off.

"Shit..." He looked up into his rear view mirror and stared at himself for a few moments. "How the hell did I do that...?"
He just knew he'd have to see the mechanic soon. What was he gonna tell him?


"I'm telling you man, I barely hit it!" Stiles gestured wildly towards the broken stereo in his car. He hadn't been able to get Scott to believe him all morning until he showed him at lunch.

"Maybe you were more angry than you thought? I get that way sometimes, you know, break something but thought I barely hit it." Scott shrugged. "And I'm still mad by the way. You totally ditched me to your dad back in the woods. Be lucky my mom only banned me from my TV till Friday. Gives me time to practice lacrosse."

"Can you forget about lacrosse for five minutes?! I broke my stereo, Scott! This isn't normal! Look at my hands." He flipped his hands onto both sides for Scott to see. "Nothing. Wouldn't I at least have some kind of mark from punching my stereo? I shattered the glass and scratched the inside of my car, man. This is serious, Scott. Like, madly serious, dude."

Scott pierced his lips to the side like Stiles had seen him do a hundred times before when he was thinking hard.

"Well, I don't know, Stiles. We'll figure it out after lacrosse practice, okay?"

"Yeah...Okay. I honestly think I might just skip out this time, Scott. It's not like I'm moving up from the bench. We're bench buddies after all. We could both just skip and go prancing around the streets like some weird romcom couple."

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