Chapter 16

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Stiles sat on the vets table, staring at the floor. Scott had left to go get his phone, leaving Stiles alone with Deaton who didn't look up for conversations. The fucker was vague anyway.

His mind went back to Derek, who had started shifting back before the bullets. Stiles wondered what would have happened if the bullets hadn't interrupted them. Would they have made amends? Would Derek be on his side again, would they hug it out and Stiles scold him for being an idiot and trying to kill Jackson despite how annoying the guy was, would they have kissed and made up -

Stiles stopped himself right there, a hand against his chest to calm his pounding heart. His head shot up when the bell tinkled from the front door. Deaton stepped out of his sight to greet the visitor and Stiles stands, figuring it was time to dress if there was a paitent.

"Mountain ash, that's an old one." Stiles freezes at the voice, swallowing thickly. A loud crash moves him again, walking towards the door to check on the vet.

"Come back at regular hours." The bell tinkles as Peter leaves and Stiles can finally relax a bit, searching for his phone. As he does, he realises Derek didn't catch up with him at all while he was running away. He'd gone in the direction of the hunters. He pulled his phone out of his hole-ridden jeans, calling Scott.

He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, Stiles, what's wrong? I'm coming back now."

"Good, I'm gonna need my jeep."

"How come?" Scott asked curiously.

"I have to find Derek." He heard a loud sigh and Stiles furrowed his brows. "What?"

"Stiles...I think you should let Derek go."

"What? No! I have to save him, or at least find him, Scott." Stiles scoffed at Scott. He expected him to leave Derek to die?

"No I don't mean - look, Stiles, buddy, I admire your bravery, but you can't save everyone."

"...I'm not a hero, Scott. I just wanna save my friend." He hung up with that, refusing to hear Scott out as he waited for Scott to bring his jeep.


Stiles sneezed at the sample of perfumes, putting the brand down on the Macy's counter. He hadn't been able to find anything on Derek's whereabouts in two days, and with the Winter Formal coming up, he was pretty on edge. He was probably just going to skip it in general. He had to find Derek, who knows what the hunters might be doing to him? Especially Kate.

He looked up when he noticed a girl by him, finding Lydia standing in front of him.

"Hey Lydia." He smiled. He was happy to see her, even if his days had been a bit gloomy.

"Hey Stiles. I was wondering...if you'd like to be my date to the Winter Formal." Lydia pursed her lips, pink lip gloss looking suicidal even as she asked.

"Uh...Sure. We can go, but only as friends." He knew she didn't feel that way, why would she after all? He felt the need to clarify though, rather awkwardly too.

Lydia looks in shock at the minor rejection. She knew Stiles had a crush on her, but since when had it changed...She remembered back to their kiss in Coach's office, his teary eyes and choked words.

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