Author Note:

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This is totally random, and not Sterek, sorry 😆. I'm actually promoting (is that bad? I have no clue, I just thought you guys might like them) my other two teen wolf books! My Oneshot and Imagines book that's open for requests and my new crossover fan fiction.

It's a SuperWolf AU of my newest favourite rare pair, which I've deemed the pair name Jaciles to. It's a Jack Kline x Stiles Stilinski story which features future Sam x Melissa, Father!Cas and GrumpyUncle!Dean (I ship destiel, but I prefer single father Castiel).

Here's the summary:
In the midst of danger, Jack transports himself, Castiel, Sam and Dean into an alternative universe. They appear in the woods of Beacon Hills where Jack is already planning how they will live there until their return to their own universe. Jack then sees a future where he meets a boy in red and becomes close with him. With that though in my mind, he convinces Castiel to sign him up to Beacon Hills High School.
His first chance meeting Stiles Stilinski, the boy in red, couldn't be anymore perfect in his opinion.

I'd love if you guys at least check out the first chapter to see if it's your kinda thing. The moment I thought of the pairing, I just had to write something for it.

Also! Thanks for all the views and votes! I wouldn't have the motivation without ya guys, so keep at it my lovelies!

- Tiny Out 💟 ❗️

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