Chapter 20

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A/N: Holy crap guys, 2k+ reads and 217 votes?! It's only been a week since I hit 100+ votes and I honestly feel so good guys! You really help me pull up my esteem and I have to say thank you. I can only repay you with another chapter, but I hope that's enough ☺️. A big change for Isaac is coming up and I hope you all like it. After this story is completed (about ten to fifteen more to go) I will be moving back to my STUCKY trilogy as I left the third book on hold and hopefully seeing the Black Panther film will fill me with the hype to finish it again. I'm sick of not completing stories, so I'm going to try and go back to old ones to finish!
But first, let's get this Stiles show on the road!


Stiles adjusted his skates during his break from the ice, smiling slightly to himself. Being a school night, there had been very few people on the rink. Now, there was no one but him. Derek hadn't responded to his text to join him, but he shrugged it off. He took the time to think, waiting for Boyd to show.

He thought about Lydia, where she was. He thought about Scott and Allison, how their relationship constantly on the edge of 'Will this get Stiles hurt' yet completely together. How much they loved each other. He also thought about Jackson, how distant he was as he let Stiles clean him up, how he shoved him roughly away once he was done, spitting on about how Stiles should stop acting like his mother.

He also wondered how Isaac was coping at home, how Danny was coping with Jackson's distance and his recent break up with William. What Boyd's deal was. Mr Harris' promise to make his life miserable after Kate Argent's death and the spot light was put on him. Stiles smiled when he thought of that one, smug.

When Stiles greeted the ice once more that night, he thought about Derek. How much he'd helped him. How fun it was to banter with him. How much he still wanted to know about the brooding werewolf despite all the baggage he probably held. He also wondered what being in love with him would be like.

He fell when he thought it though, laying on the ice in defeat when he realised he already was in love with the beta. The guy who had stopped his panic attack with only words, the werewolf that taught him all he needed to know, the man who was there to help him if only he ask. The beta who would break his bones and trained with him till everything hurt, who moments after would make a smart comment and smile that charming, sweet smile.

Stiles was doomed from the beginning.

"Times up. We're closing." Stiles opened his eyes, body chilled from laying on the ice for the past ten minutes, to look at Boyd.

"Give me a sec." Stiles slowly got up with a stretch and groan and pop before he got off the rink, sitting in the stands as he undid his skates. "So, Boyd, how come you sit alone? Surely you have at least one friend."

"No. I don't." Boyd huffed, irritated at Stiles bluntness. "People don' me. I'm too quiet. Or too brooding. Or too something." Boyd grabbed a broom, sweeping up the ice Stiles and others had trekked to the benches.

"You know, that's not a bad thing. I happen to know a guy who is the master brooder in the country. He also happens to be my friend." Stiles smiled at he spoke of Derek. "I'd like to give you a chance. Warning though, you might never get rid of me. I'm like a face hugger." Stiles grinned as Boyd's stoic face, and it only stretches further when Boyd chuckles softly.

"Aren't you a poet." Boyd scoffed.

"I have a way with words." Stiles fluttered his lashes at Boyd jokingly, slipping his sneakers on his sore feet. "So, how about it, Boyd? Think you'd like being friends with a weird, sarcastic teenage with ADHD and hopeless romantic syndrome?"

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