Chapter 11:

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A/N: it's been almost two months and I feel so bad, but schools, mental health and family been beating me down recently, making it hard to find time or energy to write. I got back to watching Teen Wolf since its on Netflix now and it practically screamed at me to write this chapter already. So, enjoy.

Stiles stumbled into his room around 3am, Dad finally back in his own bed after Melissa looked him over at the hospital. Stiles flopped into his bed, not even questioning the heater or giant lump in his comforter as he drifted off.

Stiles later awoke early noon, blanket rumbled and half over him when they hadn't been before. The left side of his bed was obnoxiously empty, which he found strange since he always slept in the middle, not the left where the sheets were rumpled. He tried to remember what could have caused it, but dismissed it in favour of making coffee and getting his dad some water and scrambled eggs.


Stiles carried his groceries in both arms, fiddling with his keys as per usual. He liked buying groceries. It was a chore, but it kept him occupied and he quite liked Benny, the cashier from Louisiana with a cute accent and prickly black beard. Okay, he had a bit of a man crush on the guy, but it was mostly admiration.

A scent suddenly caught his nose. Werewolf. He couldn't distinguish who, but it had the musky earthiness to their scent. Next he heard the noise, a small crash and what sounded like four feet running on cement. Stiles stilled, looking at the keys in his hand before pursing his lips and chucking them as he ran towards the elevator. He wasn't taking chances with an Alpha on his ass. Who knew who this werewolf might be. The keys clanged loudly in the cark park as he slipped into the elevator, slamming the button to close the door and leaving his jeep in favour of running home around civilians.

He was surprised when half an hour after he got home, he heard a car pull into his drive way. Peeking out, he noticed it was the sleek black of Derek's car, Derek climbing out with a confidence that Stiles admitted would usually make him drool if he weren't so curious.

He opened the door, meeting the Beta half way and almost crashing in his excitement.

"What're you doing here?" Derek shoved Stiles keys into his hand, explaining without words. "Why did you scare me for no reason?!"

"It was apart of the training. I'll admit, smart distraction and good for survival, but you still need to learn how to control the shift instead of just running away from your opponent. You can't run forever." Derek explained, expression approving but still expecting more.

"I can damn well try." Stiles grumbled. "I'm going to go pick up my baby now, so you can just... Hang around or go brood somewhere or something." Stiles shrugged and slipped past the Beta to break into a run towards the car park.


Stiles searched around the car park to find his jeep, thinking it would be easier since his baby was a unique piece of blue junk. Apparently not. Stiles heard a dull thump from behind, rolling his eyes in irritation.

"Seriously, Derek? We just did this an hour ago, can you be any more predictable -" As he turned around to sass the Beta, he instead found himself face to face with the red eyed Alpha. He let out a scream as he pivoted on his foot and dashed along the rows of cars to find his jeep, Alpha hot on his heels.

The Alpha growled and drooled like a feral, rabid dog, snapping at his heels as if in warning but not daring to pounce and stop his entertainments panic. Stiles almost tripped over his own feet when he saw his jeep, fiddling with his keys as he ran to her door, pulling it open and shutting himself inside as he trying to get his shaky hands to turn the key in the ignition.

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