Chapter 27

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Stiles ran towards the fight, the smell of blood and Kanima almost blocking all his other senses. Several bullet shots echo in his ears as he got to the scene, pausing when he saw the Kanima stare at Gerard. Why was it hesitating?

He jumped down, claws slashing his claws at the Kanima as he kicked it out of the way of Gerard. Not cause he liked the guy, but because reasons. He hated reasons sometimes.

"Stiles..." He heard Derek breath, body rather beaten up from his battle with the Kanima. It was quickly fading though. His claw marks were now only scars of Derek's cheek, but it doesn't make him feel any better about it as he looked longingly at the man, running away to chase after Jackson.


His search of him to the nightclub, Jungle. He's not surprised when Derek suddenly arrives. Derek was quick. Derek and Stiles placed aside their differences enough to discuss why Jackson was paralyzed by the venom test if he was the Kanima.

"Because he was human. It doesn't effect him when he's a Kanima because it's the Kanima's venom. Not Jackson's venom. It takes the shape of his true self, but not his other self." Stiles speculated just as he saw the Kanima crawling into one of the upper floors of the Jungle. "Shit, come on. We have to get inside."

Stiles was too young to enter with ID. He looked too young at least. Stiles took in a deep breath as he tried to think, a familiar smell catch him by surprise.

"Armani." He breathed, groaning. "Danny! Danny is his next target. Oh god, Jackson's gonna kill his best friend." He ran a hand over his buzzed hair, jumping when Derek broke the doorknob off the back entrance.

"Not on our watch. Come on." He followed Derek inside, stripping his jacket off at the humid air and tying it around his waist. Seemed like a lot of dudes were in tank tops anyway...Oh.

"It's a gay club." Stiles realised out loud, pausing when a woman - nope, drag queen - appraised his pale complexion. He may have blushed a bit.

"No kidding." Derek turned around to Stiles, sighing at the boy who was surrounded by drag queens, picking on how skinny he was, his soft skin, pretty eyes. It's actually quite nice to be fawned over, Derek, Stiles thought sarcastically. Derek rolled his eyes, eyes roaming the hundreds of young men dance to thumping music.

"There he is." Stiles pointed Danny out to Derek, who was sitting at the bar in a dejected manner. He must come often, because the bartender is being real sweet on him, nodding over to an attractive blond who was eyeing Danny with a grin.

"Is he your friend?" Derek mused, walking over to the bar as Danny slipped away with the mystery dance partner.

"Isaac has a crush on him. Be glad we didn't bring him along, he'd sulk the entire time." Stiles said over the music, grinning at the bartender. "Two beers, please."

"IDs." The bartender said knowingly, smirking at Stiles. Stiles took out his fake ID as Derek rolled his eyes and declined the beer. "How about a coke?" Stiles pouted slightly but accepted it. He noticed a guy in the corner of his eyes checking him out, and he'd admit, it felt nice. Derek should take some frickin' notes. If he even liked him.

Stiles gaped when he turned back, a beer resting in front of Derek. Derek is staring at the man who paid for it for him, and he doesn't look impressed in the least. Stiles can't help but feel jealous though, ugly green envy on his tongue. Derek turned to him, and smirked - frickin' smirked! - as he took the beer and drank from it. Was this ass trying to make him jealous? Well two people could play that game. Stiles was petty enough to.

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