Chapter 14

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Stiles walked to Danny's locker, face barely visible beneath the bundle of yellow flowers in the crook of his arm and chocolates in his hands.

"Hey Danny!" Stiles greeted cheerfully. "Look man, I just wanted to apologise about lacrosse the other day, I wasn't in my right mind and -"

"Dude, I can't take you seriously when you have pollen on your nose." Danny laughed, watching Stiles' nose twitch and shift as he tried to ride the itch without scratching.

"Dammit, Danny, now I feel the itch...Do a guy a solid?" Danny rolled his eyes and wiped the pollen off with his thumb. Stiles' face lit up with a grin. "Knew you'd forgive me, Dans."

"I get rough when I'm hurting too, Stiles. I was more surprised than anything. You're way stronger than I remember." Danny rubbed his nose, wincing as if living the events all over again.

"So, you forgive me?" Stiles said hopefully.

"Depends...What flavour are the chocolates?"

"Ones strawberry syrup as sweet as you, and the other is caramel, as sticky as your Saturday nights." Stiles fluttered his lashes.

"Charming." Danny rolled his eyes, taking the chocolates and shoving them in his bag before staring at the flowers. "Why yellow?"

"Yellow for happiness?" Stiles grinned awkwardly. It was actually the only bouquet that didn't have romantic undertones.

"I'll take it." Danny chuckled, placing the bundle in his locker, trying not to harm them too much. Stiles sagged in relief, arms sore from carrying them the whole way to school. It faded quickly though.

"So, we're all good?" Stiles checked for confirmation.

"We're all good." Danny patted his back. "Now scurry off, I have Home Ec in five."

"Yeah, yeah. See ya, Danny!" Stiles practically skipped off, feeling much better now that he'd apologised.


Stiles didn't really think it through. The school had blown up with rumours of Danny and Stiles. Together.

Some were surprised that Stiles was 'gay' because of his obsession with Lydia, some thought he was pulling Danny's heart along and gonna break it, while some just thought they were super cute together. None of their friends said anything - except Jackson who complained loudly in Chemistry that Danny could do so much better. Danny said nothing, only smirking and winking at Stiles when he looked his way, earning an exaggerated one back. Jackson looked scandalised.

It was honestly funny.

Until a guy came up to his locker, rather built but soft face with curly blond hair and puppy blue eyes. He's the opposite of Scott in looks, but the puppy eyes were very much like Scott's. He couldn't say no to them.

"Hello...?" The guy fiddled nervously, eyes downcast end at the nails he's picking at.

"Uh, hi, I'm - actually it doesn't really matter. I was just wondering if the rumours are true?" He asked, going from jittery to pure curiosity, and possibly - possibly - jealousy.

"What rumours?" Stiles rose a brow, closing his locker with a small slam that made the other jump.

"The uh - the ones about you and Danny. Are you two actually dating?" Stiles swears he's heard the kids voice before for a moment, and knew it would bug him are this conversation.

"Nah. We're just playing along to get a rise out of the gossip. Danny and I are bros, that's all." Stiles waves it off. "I like someone else anyway." More like it's complicated.

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