Chapter 8

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Stiles watched as the police officer drove off, his barking dog now gone with it. He could feel Derek's gaze on him, looking up to meet glowing blue eyes.

"I need your help." He said desperately. A few minutes later, he was in Derek's living room, practically on the verge of bursting at the seams all over again. He sat down on the dusty floor, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of Derek kneeling in front of him.

"Am I going to hurt someone? Kill them?" He questioned softly. He knew the bus driver was stable now, but he was still concerned.

"Yes." Derek looked almost regretful at the answer.

"Oh god." Stiles groaned, nails biting into his scalp since there was no hair to pull.

"Don't." Derek grabbed his wrist to pull his hand away from his head, not letting it ago as their eyes connected. Stiles wanted to look away, skin prickling in awareness at how intense Derek's green eyes - and here I thought his blue eyes were intense - were, but he couldn't. "I can show you how to recall your memories. Control the shifts."

"You said I need an anchor. I don't have one." Stiles swallowed tightly, words hoarse from held back tears. He hated feeling this weak and lost.

"Then we'll find one." Derek practically hissed. "I can't keep letting you run around like this. I tried to let you find one yourself, but it's not working. You think too much. An anchor is about feeling, stability, not who and what is most important to you. When a problem arises, who do you reach out to first for help?"

"Like...Usually, or recently?" Stiles licked his dry lips. He knew he thought to much. He couldn't help it.

"It doesn't matter which, both I guess."

"Usually...Scott. Recently? You. You're the only one who knows what's going on in this hellish time." He admitted with a sigh. His wrist was let go as if it was burning iron. He looked at Derek, who was turned away from him and tense.

"In all honesty, I don't know about half of what's going on." Derek muttered under his breath. Stiles still heard it though.

"...How do I recall my memories?"

"Go back to the bus. Let your body remember for you." Derek looked like he was itching to leave the room.

"...Come with me." Stiles stood up. "If I remember, I don't want to panic and shift. If I bring Scott, I might hurt him."

"You're fine with hurting me?" Derek looked at his with a raised brow, mocking him.

"You're a big boy. You'll live. Scott? Not so much."

"...I'll go get my car."

"No need. I got my jeep."

"You mean the bucket of rust I could hear from a mile away without my super hearings?" Derek deadpanned.

"How dare you?" Stiles gaped in offence. "My baby is precious. Don't talk to her like that."


"Yes, her." Stiles dared him to ask again and was delighted when the werewolf rolled his eyes and followed him out to the jeep.

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