Chapter 28

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A/N: Oh boy, you Sterek shippers are gonna love and hate me for this chapter *evil grin* Danny and Isaac (Dansac? Isanny?) shippers are probably gonna squeal a bit.

Stiles is still texting Jackson's parents when Allison shows up.

"They know he's missing, Stiles."

"What? How-" Stiles paused in realisation. "They're tracking the phone. Shit." Stiles gave her the phone. "Chuck it, I'll move the van!" He ran to the van, turning the engine on and driving through the forest slowly to be careful.


Isaac entered the hospital room with a polite smile to its residence.

"Hey, Danny." He said nervously, so used to being shy around the guy before he was bitten. Before he became more confident in himself.

"Isaac? Hey man." Danny chuckled. "It's been a while. You haven't been at school recently."

"Yeah, I just got back a few days ago..." Isaac felt butterflies infest his stomach at the thought of Danny missing him, noticing he was even gone.

"That's good. I'm sorry about your dad. I didn't get to give my condolences."

"It's alright. I, uh, I'm actually here to ask you a few questions. Curiosity." Like the fact Danny had been at a gay bar looking for a boyfriend when Isaac was right here. Completely single and ready to mingle with anyone with the name 'Danny'.

"Oh, sure, Zac."


"Uh, sorry, it's a nickname. Like how Stiles calls me Dans. Must have made a habit from him." Danny laughed, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"I thought Danny was your nickname."

"It is."


"Yeah, Stiles." Danny chuckled, ending it with a sigh as he looked back at Isaac. "Ask away."

"I was mostly just wondering if Jackson could have been mad at you recently? He seems on...edge." He picked at his nails as he sat down in his seat.

"Not really...I was actually doing him a favour recently, helping him fix a video." Danny shrugged.

"Can I ask what was on the video?"

"I don't know, what do I get in return?" Danny joked, teasing Isaac who felt heat in his cheeks.

"Well, you could have a lovely night with your right hand, or you could get your fake ID back and hit the club?" Or you could totally do me in the back of your car instead of going to a club. Yeah, best not to say that out loud.

"Okay, okay, so I didn't watch all of it, but it was really important to Jackson. It was just him...sleeping though, two hours cut from the film around midnight." Danny explained. "I sent it to Jackson, and that was it."

"Thanks, Danny." Isaac smiled gratefully, standing to leave.

"Going already?"

"Uh, yeah. You wanna rest, don't you?" Isaac gnawed his bottom lip, waiting for his answer.

"Well...It gets pretty lonely in an empty room. I'd like your company if you can stay." Isaac beamed, grinning wide and shy.

"Yeah. Yeah, that would be cool."


Derek, Allison and Stiles stood by the cliff overlooking Beacon Hills, just outside the van. They had been discussing the Kanima's motives for a few minutes now and Stiles was trying to place it all together.

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