Chapter 36

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A/N: Isanny! Berica! Shippy ship ship! Slight angst... Hehe.

"This is going to end terribly. Do you know how high the death rate could be? Complete destruction all in one game." Stiles rubbed a hand down his face with a groan.

"Everyone's gonna be here...What do we do?" Scott sighed.

"I feel helpless, Scott. I felt helpless that night, just watching, paralysed as Matt knocked out my dad...You and I...We're losing the fight." It felt good to get it off his chest. Felt good to have Scott talking to him again like semi-normal. Nothing was normal anymore.

"Stilinski! You're up!" Stiles perked up in surprise, eyes flickering about before landing on Coach.


"Greenberg's out for the count. Wimp."

"S-So I'm in? Really?!" Stiles was ecstatic. Some normal good in the past crazy month.

"He sucks. You suck slightly less." Coach patted Stiles back, hauling him into the game. Stiles can hear in the stands as his dad stood up, next to Melissa, and cheered. For once, he was making his dad proud by being normal. If only for a game.

Scott's pocket buzzed as he sat out, taking out his phone and answering with a gulp.

"Scott." Gerard spoke. "When the clock counts down to the end of the game, someone will die, Scott. I will have Jackson transform into the Kanima and kill someone at random, unless you give me Derek's whereabouts." Scott's mouth was dry, unable to speak as he looked around for Gerard.

"It could be anyone, Scott, Mommy dearest..." Scott's eyes zoned in on his mother, heart pounding. "Sheriff Stilinski..." He was right besides Melissa. "And little miss popular, Lydia Martin." Lydia has just settled down besides John as Gerard sat by Melissa with a polite smile, even as she shifted away from him the slightest bit.

"Or maybe I'll kill off the Coach. He's a truly ridiculous man." Gerard said with pure irritation. Scott couldn't help but look at Coach who was blowing his whistle and yelling, but it was all a pleasant buzz in his ears as he slowly pulled the phone from his ear and hung up.

What the hell was he gonna do?

Just as he hung up, Stiles head snapped towards the woods as the softest echo of a howl called to him, stomach churning in pre-warning of the worst about to happen.

He ignored it and hoped to god it was a false alarm.


Peter groaned as he stood once more from being thrown around like a rag doll, facing his nephew as he picked a splinter out of his shoulder with a hiss.

"I'm not healing as fast as I used to...The result of how much my resurrection sapped my strength. Another reason why I'm here, Derek. I need a pack, specifically a Alpha, even if it is the boy who killed me. We need each other, Derek. You for Stiles, and me for information. I'm sure you'd love some help on your Kanima problem."

Derek paused, and Peter smirked. Baited, hooked and reeled in.


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