Chapter 34

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A/N: About five chapters left loveys! Well, four + an epilogue, but same same lol. Either way, I have to say thank you again for the 5k+ reads and the 400+ votes! My ego is gonna inflate too much soon, haha. Anyway, enjoy!

"It's not Mr Harris, dad! It's Matt. He's the real killer. Matt probably borrowed Harris' car to lay suspicion on him when his former students started showing up frickin' mutiliated!" Stiles tried to reason with his father, gesturing wildly as Scott nodded.

"We swear we're telling the truth. Stiles wouldn't make something like this up, he's great friends with Isaac, y'know, the one with a dead father who was killed by Matt."

"Great friends? Is Scott in on the secret too or...?"

"Isaac and I broke up. Guilt over the restraining order, and such - it doesn't matter though. We need to get to the station and into the evidence so we can confirm its Matt to the other officers." Stiles said determinedly, hands against the table.

"That had to be less than a week ago - Teenagers." John sighed, shaking him head. "Are you sure it's Matt?"

"Positive." Scott and Stiles synced.

"Then let's go."


At the station, Stiles watched the security footage of the night Jessica Bartlet died while Scott talked to his mother to see if she saw him there.

"I remember taking to that kid! I stopped him to tell him he was tracking mud in the halls." Melissa spoke through the speaker.

"I also found footprint evidence at the scene of the trailer murder,a long with a credit card receipt for an oil change the night the mechanic was killed. You also saw Matt at the rave, correct?" John asked Stiles, who nodded. "That places him at the scene of four murders. That can't be coincidence, and if it is, that kid is very unlucky."

"Scott, call your mom back. She'll need to give a statement if we want an arrest warrant on Matt." Stiles told his friend, John looking at him with a 'are you the sheriff?' eyes he'd gotten since he was a kid. "What? I watch you work a lot."

"That's not creepy." John dismissed. "You boys should head home, it's late."

"Are you sure we can't -"

"Stiles, go home and take Scott with you. He's injured and probably exhausted." John said, using his dad voice.

"Yeah, I second that. I want a nap." Scott laughed wearily. Stiles took pity on his friend and nodded.

"Okay, I'll just grab my jacket." Stiles left the room, heading to the front desk to grab his jacket when a coppery scent hit his nose. Blood.

He quickened his pace, breath sucked out of him in horror as he locked down at Officer Noree, bloody and slashed. He could tell instantly the Kanima had been here and probably was still there. Stiles went to run back to Scott and his father, tell them what had happened, when he heard a resounding click. He held his breath, only to feel officer Noree's service revolver at his head.

"Don't move an inch." Matt.


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