Chapter 12:

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A/N: OMG! 1.5+k reads and 145 votes?! I feel so honoured guys, I really do! Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'm hoping to get the S1 of this story out in an orderly succession (one or two chapters a week kinda thing instead of abandoning my lovey's again for two months ;/)

It felt hard to breathe. Not just from panic at the attack, but the sheer sorrow building heavy bricks in his chest as his mind kept flashing back to the image of Derek's impaled body laying aside, thrown aside like nothing as he slumped in on himself. Stiles forced himself to stand on shaky legs from where he'd been crouching, head in hands.

"It was him." Was all Stiles could say to Scott as he turned his eyes to the outside world beyond the school doors.

"Him? Who, Stiles?" Scott questioned in concern, hand on Stiles' bicep as he trying to gain the boys attention. Stiles shook him off roughly though, refusing to look at him as his lips ran without his consent.

"It was him! Deaton! I tried so hard to prove him innocent, yet he - the moment we were gone, he knew he had the upper hand and we let him have it! Now Derek's dead, and we're next." Stiles' breaths were ragged with emotion, hands clenched tightly at his chest as he tried to ease the pain; the dull ache that seeped through his whole chest.

"Deaton - Deaton wouldn't hurt a fly, Stiles, we have to be missing something-"

"Yeah, we are missing something. Derek Hale. Alive. And Deaton, human." Stiles growled, eyes flashing yellow in his frustration.

"Stiles, just calm down, okay...?" Scott said cautiously, hands up in a small surrender that made something growl contently inside him as his eyes returned to their soft brown.

"Okay, yeah, okay." Stiles ran a hand over his buzzed honey brown hair, sighing loudly. "Follow me." He said as an idea popped into his mind, running into the closest classroom and looking out for his jeep as Scott followed with only a small curious tilt of his head.

Stiles choked on his own spit as he saw his damaged jeep.

"My baby... Dad's gonna kill me. After I kill that reckless Alpha." Stiles grumbled, childishly crossing his arms.

"Ouch." Scott winced at the sight of the jeep, narrowing his eyes at something in the night before ducking down and pulling Stiles down with him. "Duck!" The window smashed, littering shards of glass over them both. Scott and Stiles turned to the object that had been thrown at them, noticing it was an engine. Stiles' engine.

"Okay, windows is a bad idea. We have to find somewhere else. No windows." Stiles pushed down his terror to rationalise himself, holding back the urge to just wolf out and go animal kingdom on the Alpha.

"The locker room!" Scott and Stiles took off in a run towards the locker room, hoping to god they'd survive the night.


Allison picked up her phone with a slight frown of confusion, opening up the message from Scott, smiling for a second that it was him. Reading the message, she jumped up to get dressed and text Lydia.

'I need a ride to the school. Scott needs me.'

'I'm bringing Jackson.'

With that, Allison pocketed her phone and didn't question if it was really Scott or not. Who else could it be, after all?


Jackson watched Lydia leave to go to the toilet, looking around for Allison. She had run in and now they were separated. Jackson didn't like it all, especially when it was so dark and spooky in the school. Jackson paused when he saw a shadowy figure at the end of the hall, stepping closer just one step before he questioned the shadow.

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