Chapter 24

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"Boyyyyyyd," Stiles saddled up next to his friend, grinning at the boy who still preferred to sit at the end of the table. It was a work in progress really, getting the boy to trust him, trust that he won't ditch him. "So, I was wondering if I could borrow the rink tonight? Two of my friends are having a pretty hard time lately and I want to cheer them up." Stiles admitted.

"...Forty bucks." Boyd said suspiciously.

"Forty-?! I thought we were friends." Stiles pouted, but fished out his wallet. "You're welcome to join, y'know?"

"Can't. I have to study." Boyd frowned lightly, but his hand was out and Stiles placed the money in his hand.


"Content." Boyd smirked and Stiles almost whooped. Closest to a smile he'd gotten so far, worth a whoop for sure. Boyd gave him the keys to the rink. "Make sure you close up after you leave. I can't afford to get fired."

"Don't worry, bud. Wouldn't dream of it." Stiles patted his back with a wide smile, turning to Scott. "Hey, number one buyer of 'Pretty Brown Eyes', tell Allison we're going ice skating tonight." He jiggled the keys and Scott beamed, doing so as Stiles looked over to Lydia. He leant over half the table, tapping the surface persistently till Lydia looked over at him with an irked expression.

"Yes, Stiles?" She sighed.

"Tonight. Me, you, Scott and Allison. We're going ice skating, Lyds, and you're gonna like it." Stiles grinned confidently as Lydia rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Only because I have a super cute winter outfit I've been dying to wear." Lydia flicked her hair over her shoulder, and Stiles felt his heart flutter. It wasn't genuine though, only a memory of a love he had held onto for too long. Months ago he would have sighed dreamily or made a fool of himself in front of her, but now it was only a passing moment in his every day life.

Lydia wasn't a crush or pretty girl he wanted to kiss anymore. She was a beautiful, smart girl who he was slowly becoming friends with.

"Woah." Was that awe in Boyd's voice or had he smoked bad weed? Boyd sounded awed and it was kinda exhilarating yet terrifying. Stiles looked up and realised what he was looking at, smacking Scott repeatedly as the boy gave a pained 'ow, watch the strength Stiles!'

"Damn." Was it werewolf genes that made every one so hot? He thought back to Peter and shuddered. Not everyone.

Erica strutted into the cafeteria like she owned the place, stride confident and sexy as she wore a tight purple top and a leather jacket, heels clicking against the floor. Not a trace of acne or bloating was there as she bent down at one of the tables - lucky bastards! - and took their apple, taking a bite of the juicy red fruit.

"Who is that?" Boyd voiced, looking slightly stunned.

"That, my friend, is Erica Reyes." Stiles stood up from where he sat, a sudden burst of confidence in him at seeing his new beta showing herself off. Proving them wrong. It felt good in general to have the outcast become one of the hottest girls in schools.

"Stiles?" Scott questioned after Allison smacked his arm to get him out of his trance. Stiles shrugged to his friend as his grin grew, walking over to her.

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