Chapter 18

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"Why...?" He croaked brokenly, unable to look away from his reflection.

"Get outside, Allison." It's Derek, ordering the girl to leave. She doesn't refuse, running out to check on her father. Stiles can't look at Derek, can't look at anything but the blood on his face and the shining blue jewels staring back at him in the shards.

"Stiles." Derek's voice is rough, but the question is obvious. Are you okay?

No, he's not.

"I've already killed a woman...I won't hold back on you, Peter." Stiles can feel the violent spark come to life within him, his wolf side breaking through more than he can remember, clouding his judgement as he launching at the Alpha. He knows Derek has seen the glowing blues when he hears the beta roar, claws out to lash.

They both attacked Peter with a new found rage. At first it's blind rage, swiping, lashing, beating, but then it simmers to tactics. Tag teaming, aiming from different angles and clipping as weakness. Peter is too strong though, and before they can comprehend, Derek was out for the count and Stiles was wrestling with a fully transformed Alpha outside and losing majorly.

Stiles groans in pain when he's thrown aside like a rag doll, clutching his bleeding side as the scent of Scott's musk and detergent, and Jackson's cologne and leather, came closer.

"Take this, bitch!" Stiles almost laughs at Jackson's vulgar language, but it catches in his throat when the self-igniting Molotov cocktail of chemicals is caught mid air. It felt like all hope had suddenly been sucked out of him from his lips.

"Allison! Catch!" Power couple to the rescue it seemed as Scott tossed Allison her bow. She took it gratefully, placing an arrow in place and pulling back. Her hold wavers for a split second before it become firm, sending the arrow into the bottle.

The volatile bottle burst into flames, engulfing the Alpha's arm. It only when Jackson throws the second bottle is Peter completely aflame. He can see in the corner of his vision that Allison has kissed the shock out of Scott's system, and it warms his heart when he hears their next words.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"Because...Because I love you." Allison gushed with a teary giggle, kissing him again.

"Hey guys? He isn't dead yet." Jackson said, eyes wide in morbid awe.

Scott, Stiles and Allison could only watch as the burnt Alpha laid on the ground, barely breathing and wounded beyond repair. Stiles felt a disturbing ounce of victory at seeing Peter like that. Now, hopefully he could go back to the way things were. With ordinary strengths, weaknesses and not being hunted down by his best friends girlfriend and father. It would mean less time with Derek, the man he'd grown so close to, but that was fine with him. He would live. Better yet, his dad would be safe. No more Alpha, no more werewolf for a son, no more hunters in Beacon Hills. Sunny Californian days ahead, he told himself.

He walked closer to Peter, anticipating and hesitant. He would have blood on his hands after tonight. He already did, but it would be different this time. He knew that. He knew it was worth it, because even if others didn't know, he'd just saved most of the poor unfortunate souls in Beacon Hill from being mauled by an insane werewolf.

The only problem was Derek, who had been knocked out only a few minutes beforehand, was above Peter before he could make it to the crisped and charred figure.

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