Chapter 19

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Stiles ran through the woods on all fours, for once his long limbs feeling in place as wind rushed past his ears, sounding much like a blender to his sensitive hearing, yet he couldn't complain. The noise made it easier to think, the strain of his limbs almost soothing as he felt leaves and nuts crunch and fly under his clawed hands.

Stiles doesn't break his run even as he closes his eyes, letting his senses lead him in an eerie calmness he'd never experienced with his ADHD. It didn't stop his mind from running though.

The barrel of the gun does not tremble or loosen as it points at him, it's purpose certain.

"Wait! Stop, dad, please, Stiles saved us. It's one of the good guys!" Allison begged and Stiles wondered what he had done to get her safety. Scott did pick the situationally worst, yet best girlfriends.

"Please, mister Argent, he's my friend. He hasn't killed anyone besides Peter, who needed to die."

"He killed Kate." Chris cocked the gun fluidly.

"Dad, I love aunt Kate as much as you do, but she was corrupted...She wasn't a hunter, she was a monster." Even as Allison spoke, she looked like she didn't want to say it out loud. Say that her aunt was so much worse than she had wished for.

"...He can live," The all breathed a sigh of relief. "But only if he stays away from Derek Hale." Stiles felt his hairs stand up on edge. "Having a pack will make him stronger. I don't want to have to kill an entire pack of teenagers if I can help it."

"Why would I want to be around Derek anyway?" Stiles put on his bitterest tone, scowling. "He lied to me. Cheated me. If anything, I'd rather watch him burn." He must have put a lot of resentment in his words, because Chris smiled slightly and put his gun away.

"Glad to see we're on the same page, Stiles."

Were really not, Stiles thought as he retracted his claws, red eyes hidden behind custom amber contacts. One of the reasons he had been in isolation so long. After absorbing that much power, Stiles werewolf instinct was in almost constant mode. He couldn't shove it down like most, the shock of it all still reeling through him, unable to process completely. Most who took the Alpha status killed for it and had prepared to take it on. But not Stiles. If it wasn't red he saw in the mirror, it was honey whiskey for only a few minutes. He figured once he learnt more control it would fade.

Which was why he was walking into Derek's new hideout - it was a frickin hideout, Derek, not a house - with a small smile. It was an abandoned train warehouse and Stiles admitted, he quite liked it. Sure, it was dark and damp, but it was also cool against his warm skin and echoed his footsteps in a way that made him ecstatic with awe.

Music flittered through his ears, smirk curling up his lips as he got closer into the dimly light loft.

"I'm on a highway to hell~." Oh hell yeah I am.

Stiles leaned against the doorframe - sorta, there wasn't even a door, he was sure it was just a walkway? - and watched as the beta werewolf pulled himself up on the bar, entire body tight with strain. Stiles let himself run his gaze over the thin layer of perspiration over Derek's chest and abs, wiping his mouth to make sure he wasn't drooling.

"Going to keep watching or are you going to come face the music?" Derek dropped down to the ground as Stiles flushed in embarrassment at being caught.

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