Chapter 26

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"Look, what Isaac did, telling Jackson to change his statement to show his innocence, it was smart, but I can't believe you poisoned Jackson just to test it!" Stiles hissed at Derek. "Why can't you just tell me before you make big decisions. We're supposed to be a team, Derek!"

"He's no longer a suspect." Derek shrugged, uncaring and eyes bored.

"You also paralysed one of my betas!" Stiles yelled, eyes blazing. His contacts were getting old, so he decided to avoid his father and everyone else for the weekend by 'going to Scott's place' until they arrived. It felt better, wearing no contacts. Less sore and irritating. More freedom.

"I thought Jackson wasn't apart of your pack." Derek stated stoically, arms crossed across his chest.

"He...Its complicated." He had a tether to Jackson just like the rest of the pack. Much weaker since he was practically booted, but it was still there and he had felt it. The sudden numbness inside him, the tingling buzz of terror. Jackson had been terrified and it something inside him twisted at the thought of his pack making his first bite scared.

"Since we're deciding to get all our feelings off our chests," Stiles flinched at the harsh tone. "I'll tell you now. Our next target will be Lydia. A snake can't be poisoned by its own venom. If nothing happens, she's free to walk."

"No. You will not touch her." Stiles ordered, bitter fury curling inside him, like a fire being fanned to burn brighter.

"This isn't about the pack anymore, Stiles. This is about life or death of innocent people in Beacon Hills. Possibly your father included. So I'm gonna paralyse her for a few hours, or she is the Kanima and I take care of her."

"Derek, if you lay a single claw on Lydia's head-!"

"Don't be so protective, Stiles. Someone might think you're in love with her." That hurts. It's like a knife in his chest, twist and pulled inches out before sinking right back in deeper. His wound is left to cauterise as Derek walked away, and Stiles hopes he's happy that he's reverting back to the jerk he originally was.


"Hey, testicle one and two." Scott and Stiles glared back at Jackson, unimpressed by the rich boy.

"What?" Stiles hissed.

"I hope you know your beta used me as a little test subject over the weekend. You really need to rein in your beast." Jackson snarked. "Also, your legally blonde and puppy are planning on doing the same to Lydia. The puppy seems to want to sink his claws into her quite a bit. Might want a leash on them." Jackson smirked as Stiles pinched his lips, chest filled with a scream of frustration he couldn't get out.

"Lydia can't be the Kanima." Stiles snapped. "I looked into that things eyes and saw pure evil. When I look into Lydia's...I see a much lower percentage of evil."

"Well, either way, might want to save that pretty red head girlfriend of yours." Jackson drawled, leaning back in his seat.

"Strawberry blonde." He corrected, huffing. Maybe he should forget about Derek. It would take time, but if Derek wasn't gonna have him, he'd find someone better.

He turned back to the front, stomach dropping when he saw Lydia's backwards someone help me cover the board.


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