Chapter 5

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Coach wasn't happy with Stiles once he got back to school on Monday, without going to the lacrosse game.

"Where the hell were you, Stilinski?! I can count on my hand how many times you've skipped lacrosse, and you've been bench boy all of that time!"

"Well, things came up-"

"Unless you were in hospital dying, I don't want to hear it."




"Zippity zip! Shut it!" Stiles could only sigh as he took his seat in Economics. He'd missed the game on Saturday, and his only option now was to quit lacrosse to 'focus on his studies', or play that next game and hope to god he didn't eat someone on the field. His dad loved that he had something to do that didn't require much focus. He'd exert himself and then he'd be less hyperactive while studying, which meant more focus.

Maybe he could just get into jogging? Or...He could find an anchor. Derek used anger, but what the hell would Stiles use? Panicking made him shift, so that was out.

His gaze flickered over to Lydia who was reapplying his lipstick with succession. That was it! He could use Lydia! He'd been in love with her since 3rd grade, so he was sure thinking about her would calm him... Yet looking at her made his heart pound, nails itching and teeth aching dully. So he supposed she was out. Maybe he was too in love with her to use her.

He was sure he'd figure it out soon.


Stiles ended up back at Derek's place again Monday evening.

"I can't find anything to use as an anchor and the next games on Saturday! I already missed one game!" He stressed, running a hand over his buzz cut.

"Stiles, don't panic. You'll shift and I can't be bothered to contain you." Derek sighed.

"Shut up." He grumble. "Be a good friend and console me."

"Friend? We are barely stepping out of stranger territory." He scoffed.

"Then be a good werewolf and help your own kind." Stiles pouted lightly.

"Sorry, being good isn't my expertise." Derek rolled his eyes as Stiles dramatics.

"Can you at least teach me how to anchor myself?"

"Like I told you, you have to figure out what your anchor is. I can't."

"I know, I know." Stiles frowned. "I just...I don't want to end up hurting my dad or friends. Especially Lydia." Derek's head snapped in his direction with a bewildered expression.

"Lydia? Who's that?"

"Chill, man. She's just a girl. I've been crushing on her for, like, eight years." He shrugged, rubbing his neck sheepishly. "She's...amazing."

"So, you've selected her as your mate?" Derek frowned in confusion as Stiles wistful tone.

"Mate?" Stiles reddened slightly. "Well, no, com'n dude. I'm not an actual wolf, I just like her...I just wish she'd notice me."

"I see." Derek was still frowning, looking thoughtful. "Werewolves don't exactly have the best experience with relationships with humans, so if you're going to get with someone, find another werewolf. I'm sure there are some nice girls outside Beacon." Derek hummed, looking melancholy.

"Know from experience?"

"I know what happened to people who try and pry into me. It usually ends up with a torn out throat." Derek gave Stiles a light glare, tone serious in his threat. Stiles gulped.

"You know, you can't just intimidate me every time I talk to you. You can't make friends that way-"

"Who said I wanted friends?" Derek snapped.

"...Everyone needs someone to talk to, Derek. Broken hearts suck, but being alone is way worse." Stiles shrugged, picking dirt from under his nails.

"...Imagine Lydia for your anchor. Or your dad. Or a particular emotion. Something that makes you feel stable and secure."

"Oh. That...helps I guess." It narrowed down his options. He watched as Derek left the room, feet taking him up the stairs. Stiles stayed where he was, aware Derek was probably still listening in on him.

Stiles closed his eyes and focused on his feelings. He knew panicking wouldn't help, and Lydia wasn't working. He opened his eyes.

He knew what he had to do tomorrow at least.


"You stole his heart monitor?"

"Borrowed. Without permission."

"So, stole."

"Technical, technical." Stiles waved Scott off as he connected himself up to the monitor. He looked at the screen and looked at Scott. "Hit me." Stiles urged.


"I'm trying to get angry. Duh! I already don't like Tuesday's, so it should help." He shrugged.

"Why don't you like Tuesday's?"

"I don't know, I just don't." He was going to dampen the mood by telling Scott his moms funeral was on a Tuesday. "Tuesday's are boring."

"Okay, okay...Please don't hate me for this." Scott pulled his fist back and punched Stiles in the stomach. Except it didn't hurt as much as Stiles expect. It seemed to have hurt Scott more than Stiles.

"Ow! What the hell..."

"Sorry, I guess it's apart of the werewolf strength?" He had to hold back a grin. "I guess I'll just test this out again some other time. Maybe when I'm with Derek. He makes me angry sometimes." He muttered with a light pout.

"Good to know." Scott was shaking his hand with a bitchface. Stiles could only laugh.


"Hey, Derek?"

"What?" Derek bit out as he pulled himself up on the door frame, seeming to not care that Stiles had to watch him do his work out. Stiles was taking tips visually, and he had to say; Lydia - Lydia seemed to like the bulky, muscular kind of guys, which I am not - would probably love the results if he bothered.

"Do you know what happened to the girl in the woods? The one who they found in half." Derek dropped from the frame, chest heaving from exertion.


"Well, my dads the Sheriff. He's been trying to figure out the culprit and-"

"I don't know."

"Com'n Derek, you don't know anything? You were there that night-"

"Shut up, Stiles."

"She's was practically mauled, man, and you didn't hear anythi-?"

"I said, that's enough!" Derek barked, making Stiles flinched. Derek growled under his breath, picking up his shirt and pulling it on. "I'm going out to survey the area. Leave before I'm back." He said bitterly, face looking remorseful as he left the house.

Stiles sat there for a while, shocked. He stood and left the house towards his jeep, and as he drove, the thought struck him.

"Did Derek kill her?"


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