Chapter 2

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A/N: question, should I keep the cover page I have now, or change it to this one? Comment for yes or no, and please leave a vote for the next chapter! :)

Stiles didn't go to school the next day. He was so quiet up in his room, that his dad didn't even notice he was still there when he left.

Stiles eyes were bloodshot and had light bags under them from no sleep. His computer had almost died three times during his research, but he had a feeling he knew what he was. The idea was so ludicrous that it made him angry at even bothering to research it up at first, only to end up tearing claw marks into his desk.

"Hah..." He wheezed as he stared at the offending claws that replaced his nails. "Dad- da- dad! Something's not right!" He ran downstairs, only to realise his dad was already gone. Grabbing his phone off the table, he checked the time to find it was eleven in the morning. He took a deep breath, trying to stave off a raising panic attack. He shook his hands, trying to get rid of the claws, but as his panic rose, they only grew longer, millimetre by millimetre until they stopped.

He didn't realise he'd passed out from hyperventilating until he woke up to Scott's voice.

"Stiles? Stiles, wake up! Come on, buddy..." Stiles groaned as he opened his eyes, looking up at Scott's panicked face. "Oh thank god, you scared the crap outta me." Relief flooded his features.

"Scott..." Stiles jolted up and looked at his hands in fear. The claws were gone. Had he been hallucinating?

"Stiles? Stiles, are you alri-"

"I think I'm a werewolf."



"Okay, so let me get this right...You have claws. And super strength. And impossibly good hearing?" Scott said in disbelief.

"Yes, yes and yes. And I'm freaking out man. I'm a frickin' werewolf! What do I do?"

"See a mental hospital? Werewolves don't exist, Stiles." Scott patted his shoulder patronisingly and Stiles blinked in surprise.

"You...don't believe me?"

"Look, I think you're just overreacting because of the whole radio thing, and the dead body, you're probably just imagining things-"

"I'm not, Scott! You think I would lie to you? You're my best friend, if anyone's gonna believe me, it should be you!" Stiles pushed his hands away and ran a hand over his buzz. "I have to get out of here. I have to go back to the woods. Figure out what happened."

"At least go get a check up with the school, or my mom, just to be safe." Scott tried to reason.

"If this was happening to you, you'd want me to believe you, right?"

"Well...Its not possible, but-"

"If it was!" Stiles said exasperatedly.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged.

"Then believe me. Believe that I will probably turn into a rabid beast on the full moon...shit." Stiles gaped. "Oh no, Saturday. This Frickin' Friday is the full moon! What if I eat someone on the field?! What will they even put on my gravestone when dad has to put me down like a dog? 'Bad to the bone'? 'Ain't nothing but a hound dog'? Oh that's bad, Elvis would be disappointed." He was rambling now, and Scott shook him but his shoulders.

"Calm down, Stiles!" Stiles paused and nodded like a bobble head.

"Okay...okay, I'm calm...But what if I end up turning into a Harry Potter werewolf-"

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