Chapter 31

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When Isaac heard the small beep from Jackson's phone in class, of course he was suspicious. Which is probably why he stalked him all the way to this creepy warehouse with a line of kids trying to buy tickets to some secret show. Isaac could smell the change in Jackson, his cologne giving way to a more sticky, glue-like odour. Kanima venom just under Jackson's skin as he cut in front of Matt who offered the spot to him in fear since he 'punched' him not long ago.

Jackson wasn't in control, that much he could tell. Isaac lurked about before joining the line.

"Hey, Matt." Isaac called the boys attention. "How much are the tickets?"

"Seventy five each." Isaac pursed him lips.

"Hey, could I borrow some money?"

"Uh, how much?"

"Seventy five bucks." Matt merely shook his head, looking back to the front of the line just as the glue smell ripened. Isaac looked to where Jackson stood, focused intently on the woman selling the tickets behind the wooden bars of the freight elevator.

His nails itched, claws peeking out in case he had to fight Jackson off, but he only brought one ticket, staring that creepy stare with his blue eyes. Isaac gritted him teeth when the lady closed up, nervous and skittish as she suddenly ended the ticket sales, going up.

Isaac would have to get tickets another way. After he called Stiles and told him they needed them.


Stiles nibbled on a carrot stick as his dad ate with him in the Sheriff's office, smiling gently. He hadn't had time to spend with his dad recently, and it was nice to just sit with him like a normal family, even if it was at a police station.

"So, what's been happening around the county?" Stiles said, making conversation.

"Working on the killings." John said, pointing s thumb at the murder board pinned up behind him. On it, all the evidence of the recent killings were spread among it, from photographs to scraps of paper.

"About the - the serial killer?" He cleared his throat before he outed about the Kanima.

"Yeah." John sighed, looking back at it. "So far, we know the couple in travel trailer and the mechanic are both 24. At first we believed it to be a pattern, but the first killing, Joseph Lahey, didn't match up. Then we searched around and it turned out Lahey had another son." John shuffled through his files, passing one to Stiles. "Camden Lahey. He would have fit the pattern but..."

"He was killed in combat." Stiles finished, eyes scanning the file. God he missed this, playing detective with his dad. "But if they were all 24, wouldn't that means they would have all been in the same class at school? Like - like a hit list for certain students in a certain class. Revenge killings, perhaps?"

John nodded at Stiles words, eyes widening as he thought about it.

"Let me check the records." John and Stiles set to work, searching through multiple boxes of classroom records until they found 2006 BHHS yearbook.

"Look." Stiles pointed out as he went through it. "All the victims up till now seem to be connected to Mr Harris' intermediate chemistry class." Stiles read out the names to his father.

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