Chapter 23

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"You're pretty slow, McCall." Allison teased as she climbed up the wall with Scott, just a little ahead of him.

"I'm...just enjoying the view." Scott grinned, yelping when she knocked him down, Stiles catching him right before he hit the mat. Everyone laughed at Scott and Allison's display, just about everyone knowing about Scott and Allison, the damn power couple of the school after Lydia and Jackson got distant.

"Okay, okay, Stilinski, Erica, gear up, you're next!" Coach instructed, Allison coming down from the wall rather quickly with her finesse.

Stiles tightened his harness just to be safe - though he knew he couldn't really get hurt - and clipped himself to the rope, trusting Scott to hold him up. Erica, a blonde girl besides him with noticeable acne scabs, did the same. Her hands shook slightly with nerves it seemed as they started to climb, Stiles focusing on keeping his speed and strength to a human level.

"So, fear of heights?" He said, making conversation. It was too quiet for his liking. All he could hear was her breathing, heavy and shallow. "Erica?" He turns to the girl who seems to be pouring with sweat and violently trembling. "Hey, are you okay-?" Her grip slipped just as Stiles grabbed her wrist, pulling her against him as he tugged the rope to get Scott to lower him.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, just breathe or you're gonna pass out." She seemed to take his advice as they touched the ground, taking in deep breathes as Coach called for everyone to back off. Stiles could only watched as Erica was led out of the gym, not even thanking him.


"So, he didn't kill him dad?"

"No way, Scott. Isaac was grieving the guy too much to have killed him. He was an ass father, but it was still his dad." Stiles shoved his gym shirt into his bag, pulling a clean one over his head to wear.

"Is he going to be a problem though? I mean, he's new to this whole werewolf thing, he doesn't have any control over it yet." Scott reasoned.

"Look man, Isaac's my burden to carry as Alpha, don't worry yourself about it." Stiles dismissed.

"I'm worried about you, and him, and either of you getting hurt." Scott huffed.

"Since when were you so close to Isaac?"

"Since he started sitting with us. All I know is he's a nice guy, and nice guys finish last. Or maybe dead."

"Alright, alright, let's change subject. How about the excursion? I'm keen to get a little action, but with Allison's grandpa and this new killer about, makes me a bit nervous." He said, trying to change topics.

"We're still talking about death, Stiles." Scott pointed out, earning a groan from his friend.

"Can we stop talking about death then-" Stiles' hands began to shake suddenly, and like a trigger, his legs joined in on the movement.

"Stiles!?" Scott called after him as Stiles took off in a sprint, running away from the lockers and back towards the gym. It was like he was in autopilot, the movement thoughtless but urgent as he burst into the darkened gym.

"Erica!" Erica barely turned to him just as her convulsing hands slipped from the climbing wall, falling fast. Stiles ran for her, dropping to his knees at the sudden weight as he caught her, laying her in a recovery position on the mat as fast as possible. He'd seen this before as a kid, and the incident scared him so much afterwards he got his Scott's mum to teach him first aid in case someone suddenly passed out or had an epileptic seizure.

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