Chapter 4

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A/N: One of my favourite Sterek fanvids. I was listening to it while writing this chapter :)

Glowing blue eyes, eerie and constant, made Stiles skin prickle in awareness. He tried to move, however subtly, away from the creature, but only received a deep menacing growl. The blue eyes came closer and Stiles shut his eyes tight, hoping for a quick and painless death-

He sat up with a gasp, clutching at his night shirt. His body was slick with a cold sweat, yet he could feel an early morning breeze against his skin. Stiles looked around, shifting away from the cracked leaves and twigs below him to instead stand. What the hell was he doing in the forest?

He froze when he heard a growl, similar to the one in his dream. He turned his head, body stiff, to see the offender. He let out a small cry of fear and dismay at the sight of red eyes in the distance, reminding him of the night he was bitten. Stiles took off running, feet smacking against the dirt of the forest floor. He could hear the sound of the creatures pants, only making him more terrified when they got closer.

Stiles sprinted for the white picket fence in the distance and jumped over it with a loud,
"Sorry Mr Rouwman!" He gasped as cold water enveloped him, head breaking the surface for air. He looked around frantically, only to find the red eyes were gone. Stiles heard the hose nearby and turned to neighbour. "...Early morning dips are great from waking up. School and stuff." He laughed nervously. His neighbour stared at him in shock and he climbed out of the pool. "Uh...Sorry again. See ya! I'll see you at lacrosse this Saturday! Maybe..."



" - There were these blood red eyes, and I was just about pissing myself! Scott? Scott are you even listening to my traumatic experience retold?" Stiles grumbled at his friend who was too busy looking at Lydia's new friend, Allison.

"Huh?" Scott looked at Stiles, as if just realising he was there. "What?"

"I was just telling you about my near death experience, but it's cool, keep staring at pretty brown eyes." Stiles rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, Stiles. I just...I asked Allison to the party this Friday."

"Did she say yes?" Stiles said excitedly. It's not like he got any dates with his crush on Lydia and hyperactive nature. His amazing sarcasm wasn't grasped by some - most - people.


"Dude! You have to tell me everything afterwards."

"Why? It's just a date."

"Because you dragged me down to nerd status, and I have to live vicariously through your love life." Stiles answered as if it was obvious.

"I think you have us mixed up. You're the nerd, I'm the one who got dragged down." Scott teased, punching his shoulder.

"Ouch, my ego." Stiles rubbed his shoulder, even though Scott's punch felt like a butterfly's wings. It made Scott laugh though. He considered himself a funny guy, so it felt good to make others laugh.

"Sorry I destroy your only will to live." Stiles snorted.

"Anyway, I'm probably going to talk to Derek about the whole chase slash NDE. He seems to understand this stuff way more than I do, though my research wasn't fruitless."

"Wait, Derek? Who's Derek?"

"Dude. I told you about him yesterday! Mysterious with a leather jacket and fiery backstory? Brooding as hell with a dead family." Stiles rolled his eyes. "God, you and girls."

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