Chapter 25

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A/N: In honour of Sterek, I give you the pool scene chapter with a twist. Good luck, and please don't cry like I did a bit.

Stiles grumbled as he was practically sent to the waiting room of Armor Tire and Service Center, his argument of being overcharged shut down with the threat of his jeeps repair costing more. He wiped the sticky substance from his hand onto his jeans once he closed the door, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

He should call the bloody Health and Safety and get the guys work shut down out of spite, but then he wouldn't have anywhere to fix his jeep. Stiles spared an appraising look to the mechanics body but shook it off quickly, looking around the room boredly with duck lips and a tapping foot.

The tapping stopped when he saw a photo of the mechanical.

"Beacon Hills Cyclones Lacrosse?" He almost laughed at the uniform, bright red and tacky really as he pulled out his phone to text Scott the photo of the terrible outfit. Suddenly though, his hand began to cramp up.

"Ow...Ow ow ow, okay, shit-" He dropped the phone as his hand became numb and it spread through his arm. Stiles turned to the hydraulic lift on the other side of the window, going to yell for medical attention at the sudden paralysis. Then he saw it, felt it.

The cold, scaly feelings around his heart as he watched the Lizard-like creature crawling down the side of his jeep, still high in the air on the lift.

"Hey! Behind you! Mechanic dude, look behind you! WATCH OUT!" The mechanic doesn't hear him as all as the lizard creature scratched him on the back of the neck, the mechanic falling limp to the garage floor. Stiles tried to move, but suddenly his whole body refused as it went soggy like a watery potato chip. Stiles growled in frustration, trying to move, trying to help the overcharging asshole mechanic because he was an ass, but it wasn't deserving of death.

Stiles stilled when he saw his jeep slowly descend. Right above the mechanic.

"No...No, no, no, no, shit!" Stiles managed to move his hand just the slightest bit to dial 911, wishing they were magicians that could poof there instantly, save them because they couldn't save themselves for once.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Armor Tire and Service Center! I-I'm paralysed and so's the mechanic and oh god the jeep..." Stiles wished his eyelids worked enough to close them completely as the mechanic cried to help, the jeep slowly coming down and crushing him under its weight.

Stiles can only watch as blood leaked from the mechanics body, the 911 operator trying to gain his attention, get him to talk, but his tongue is heavy like lead and useless.

Stiles feels like the cold, scaly feeling has wrapped around his lungs and crushed them when the lizard like creature crawls to the glass door and hisses at him, venomous and threatening.

Stiles wishes this was a bad dream.

He wishes the lizard creature didn't feel so familiar.


"What happened, Stiles?" John rubbed his sons shoulders, who had a shock blanket and sat with a blank expression.

"I walked in and found him under the jeep, dad. That's all."

"Are you sure you didn't see anyone do it? Are you afraid they will retaliate if you tell me?"

Bite Me Harder -Sterek AU-Where stories live. Discover now