Chapter 13

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A/N: As payback, I decided you guys deserve a two chapters in one night deal. Hopefully I'll have the next chapter out by the end of this week or the next. Love ya lovey's! P.S - A S2 character is coming into light earlier than expected too. I have a feeling some of you are gonna figure out who it is real easy. His identity will be out next chapter :)

"Man, Danny, I love you. You're so good to me." Stiles rested his head on Danny's shoulder, bottle of Jack in hand. As much as he wished for it, the alcoholic beverage wasn't doing a thing to him. "Scott's always with his pretty brown eyed lady, smooching and loving each other like no tomorrow. It's depressing, man. I get slapped by Lydia and Scott gets an armful of a beauty. Unfair." Stiles grumbled, taking a swig of the bitter liquid. "Ugh."

"I only came for the booze, Stiles." Danny picked the bottle from his loose grip, taking a swish with a teasing grin as Stiles whined.

"This is the age-old best friend 'post-rejection' tradition, Danny! Be honoured you were second choice." Danny scoffed, leaning slightly into Stiles, lips loose from the booze.

"Hurtful, Stiles. But thank you, I needed this anyway."


"Everywhere, man. Facebook, public, I've dated quite a few guys and at this point I'm gonna run out of hot guys to make out with. At least, the gay ones." Danny joked. Stiles snorted.

"Be lucky you even get action, Dans." Stiles huffed, glow of the fire making his face warm against Danny's glare shoulder. He should seriously consider adding Hawaiians to his type list. Frickin' glorious skin and warm skin man. He should ask Danny to cuddle sometime... Once he has enough control to fall asleep and wake up without wood.

"Oh yeah?" Danny mused.

"Yeah. I mean, I've loved Lydia since third grade, Danny. She's amazing; she's smart and gorgeous and sassy and just - she's beautiful, Danny, inside and out. But suddenly this other guy comes into my life and my heart goes 'well then, looks like you're into guys now' and Danny, Danny, his abs and biceps. It's not funny, I want to lick him and it sounds way grossed out loud then in my head." Stiles rambled, Danny looking at him with knowing amusement.

"Why don't you ask him out then?" Danny hummed, taking a swig of the Jack's.

"...He, uh..." Stiles mood dropped instantly. "Another reason for the drinking." The image of Derek, limp and bloodied and thrown aside stained his mind, taking the boozes from Danny to gulp some down.

"He rejected you?" Danny pursed his lips in sympathy.

"He died." Stiles clicked his tongue at awkward silence.

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss, Stiles." Danny patted his shoulder, wrapping an arm around him to pull him into a side hug. Stiles relished in the comfort, sinking into the soft muscles - How did the guy do it? He was like a teddy bear yet so fit? - of Danny's chest. "There's plenty of fish in the sea, you'll find someone."

"Everyone seems to have love but me." Stiles glares at the fire as he mutters bitterly, taking another sip with a childish pout. Danny only smiled fondly, rubbing his buzz.

"Single as a Pringle."

"Pringles don't come in singles, Danny!" Stiles fell back dramatically, earning a laugh before a few sticks snapped nearby. "Who's there?" Two guys who looked like hobos came out of the brushes, harassing the two for their alcohol. Stiles felt anger curl in his gut, negative emotion for Lydia's slap and Derek's death mixing with his protective instinct to keep Danny out of harms way - unneeded really since Danny was much bigger.

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