Chapter 33

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"They're not very deep. You should be fine." That's what Chris tells his wife, but he knows deep inside his gut that he wasn't that lucky. He tries to tell Gerard the same, his soul screaming to have one good thing happen while in this cursed town, but of course he doesn't buy it.

A bite from an werewolf meant she was as good as dead in his family. That she was a 'thing' now, a 'cocoon waiting to hatch' as his father says. He can't help but think of his daughter though. His sweet, beautiful daughter Allison. How her mother's death would destroy her in the way his own mothers and sisters did. She just lost Kate, as did he, and now she would lose her mother.

He lies when Gerard asked who bit Victoria. He has a very good idea of who, but it didn't matter. Derek was Stiles' pack. Killing Derek meant killing Stiles, which meant another kids blood on his families hands and his daughters heartbreak when Scott would leave to mourn his best friend.

Victoria wanted to have her last goodbye to her daughter, but when she came back to him, staggering with blood loss, she still looked so unsatisfied. It's her idea to call it a suicide, what her death would be. Chris actually listens to his father when he tells him to go up there, to let his wife die with dignity.

So his wife is sitting on their daughters bed, holding a photo of them for dearly. She laments to him that she didn't get to talk to her, that she'll need him now more than ever. To kill her. To take her life. He can see the moon rising outside, and the dagger ready to plunge. He can't help but stop her, wishing to hold his wife a little longer.

"I feel weak." She feels weak because she's leaving on the note of a 'history of depression'. Felt weak because Allison might think she was, that she took the easy way out. Chris denies it fervently. She still felt weak because she didn't want to die even though she knew she had to.

Chris holds his wife close as the moon shines upon them, basking her in a heavenly glow that Chris can only see as damning. He hesitates, only for a split moment, but she doesn't move. She doesn't growl or go rabid, her brown eyes don't even flicker.

So he takes the moment to slide the blade along her collar, watches the blood dribble out and clutches her tight in anticipation.

She bleeds and nothing else.

Chris has never felt so lucky then in that moment, holding his wife close and kissing her head, thanking the cursed moon that it hadn't taken the woman he loved away from him.


Derek opened the trunk with a loud squeak of the hinges, pulling the contents out of the trunk of torture. The young betas watched him, reluctant to processed.

"Uh, what's that spiral thingy on the lid?" Isaac pointed it out on the trunk.

"It's a Triskelion. It can mean different things; past, present and future, or even mother, father and child." Boyd explained, looking to Derek. "I'm guessing it means Alpha, Beta and Omega in this case."

"Yes. The Triskelion reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Beta or even Omega." Derek agreed, tracing the edge of spiral in memory.

"That means you're an Omega, right? Cause Stiles kicked you out?" Isaac said despite knowing it would make Derek sour no doubt. Derek opened his mouth to answer, but Stiles walked in, phone in hand as he took over.

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