Chapter 17

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"Stiles? Stiles, are you there?"

"Hey this is Stiles!"

"Thank god."

"You've reached my voicemail, please leave a message -" Isaac hung up with a frustrated sigh. His phone buzzed just as he went to put it away.

Stiles: Stay inside the school no matter what!

Isaac furrowed his brows, pursing his lips and heading inside the dance. Where the hell was Stiles?


"Stiles is my best friend, I feel a bit bad since we don't talk as much as usual..."

"Okay so, Stiles used to do this thing where he'd get a noodle for his mouth to his nose as a kid and oh god, it was so gross! Haha..."

"I met Stiles when we were in kindy. He kicked my sandcastle over, but then he helped me fix it. He also had this weird obsession with pull ups now that I think about it..."

"They're serving fish sticks? Stiles used to love these as a kid...until he threw them up on the teacher of course..."

"Stiles is practically my brother, Allison. I don't think I'd be who I am without him, but don't tell him I said that. He'd take it to the grave..."

Allison sighed softly as she packed her things.

"Don't get huffy, sweetheart. This is for your safety." Victoria said strictly as she handed Allison another jacket to pack. Allison didn't want to leave town, not just because Scott was here, but because it had become her home.

She still couldn't wrap her head around Stiles being the beta Kate was searching for. It all seemed so surreal.

She remembered how fondly Scott spoke of him though, the smiles he'd give him in the hallway when they passed between class. They were practically brothers, and Allison couldn't find it in herself to let Stiles die just because he was a werewolf.

She couldn't just let him die.


"Do it." Peter commanded, giving Danny Stiles' laptop. "I want in."

"I-I can't hack Stiles' laptop. I don't know the password." Danny tried, but Peter only has to stare a little too long into his eyes to make the teen comply. Since Derek and Stiles would both be needed to kill the Argents, Peter needed to locate Stiles and Derek's devices, and hopefully, them.

"I need Derek and Stiles. Which means you also need them too survive, so do as you're told, hacker boy."

"It's Danny." Danny muttered bitterly as he opened up the laptop.

"And I couldn't care less." Peter brushed Danny off, watching him over his shoulder. Danny looked over his shoulder in agitation but kept quiet, typing in Stiles details.

Username: SWLukeSkywalker

Password: HotHale123

Logged in.

"...Do you still want him in your 'pack'?" Danny drawled.

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