Chapter 37

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Stiles grunted as the nameless hunter forced him down the stairs of the basement, barely able to fight back when he had a voltage whacking stick at his back. His ears picked up a soft squeak of thin metal in the darkness, heart rate spiking in fear.

The hunter switched on the light and he gulped as he looked at the support beam with a tangle of electrical wire waiting for him. This was probably his punishment for slashing up that hunters shoulder no doubt. He seemed more than happy to slap some black gaffers tape over his mouth. He snapped his teeth at him just a moment before he did, relishing in the tiny flinch before he yelled at the shock to his thigh.

They taped his mouth and lifted him up onto the support beam, tying him to it.

Would now be a bad time to ask to pee?


"Anything?" Scott asked as Isaac sniffed Stiles' shirt.

"Except anti-dandruff tea shampoo and..." He sniffed. "Derek?"

"You called?" The two boys spun around to Peter and Derek, both shocked. "Where's Stiles?"

"We don't know." Isaac paused. "Erica and Boyd are here." Isaac ran to the door of the locker room to find Erica and Boyd, covered in blood.

"The hunters got Stiles! He- He saved us and told us to run and - I'm so sorry, we never should have went alone." Erica sniffled, tears leaking out after the dragging evening.

"Why couldn't you just trust my word?" Derek snapped, worry building in his chest as Erica buried her face in Boyd's chest, letting the bigger boy hold her. Isaac inched closer, trying to calm them both quietly.

"We were just about to track him. We have to figure out what the hell's going on." Scott sighed softly.

"I'll track him." Derek held out his hand expectantly, taking the shirt and taking a whiff. "...Where was he last?"


Stiles grunted as he attempted to untie the wires from his wrists, but gasped when it shocked him. The pain was grounding him to his human side, which didn't help when he needed to break out. Stiles stilled when footsteps came down the stairs, Gerard sliding into view.

"You can't hold off forever, Stiles. I will keep torturing you until you howl for your pack. I will make that instinct to protect break, Stiles."

"Erica and Boyd won't go against orders." Stiles stood up - figuratively, he couldn't stand at all at the moment - to Gerard. Gerard smirked though.

"Derek and Isaac will find you by scent. And Scott? He will come for his best friend." Stiles snarled something feral.

"I'm gonna dunk you in molten silver so werewolves know what to piss on in future once you're dead." He spouted creatively.

"Compliments to your ability to create such a...vivid picture. Let me paint one of my own. Scott finds you, his best friend, bloody and beaten to a pulp." Gerard cracked his knuckles.

"Psh, you're like, what? Ninety? I could kick your ass up and down this room give the chance." Stiles said cockily. He yelped when Gerard replied with a strong backhand across his right cheek. The assault is a mixture of hard blows to his face and sharp, electric shocks through his body until he's trembling and trying his hardest not to sob in pain.

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