And that is why Beth hates plants.

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Beth's POV~~~

I rested my damp forehead on the large boulder next to me as I tried to swallow back screams. Jake did his best to distract me, but the pain was unbearable.

"Just pull it out of my leg already!" I screeched. Clarissa was so going to pay for this.

His pallor gave away his fear to even get near my leg. "Beth, the arrow stabbed through your whole calf! I can't just pull it out!" I nodded grimly as I stared at my bloody calf. The fletching was on the left side of my leg, the shaft of the arrow was inside my leg, and the arrowhead was sticking out on the right side.

"Fine," I growled. "After all, when you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Don't you?" I gripped the fletching part of the arrow tightly and took a deep breath.

"Beth, you're not going to do what I think you are... right?" I stared at him dead in the eye as if to answer his question.

"On the count of three," I whispered, trying to keep my voice steady. "One..." My clammy palm shook. I began to sweat like crazy. "Two..." I swallowed. Lord, help me.


I screeched as the arrowhead tore at my flesh as I yanked it out. Devastating pain ripped throughout my calf, making me scream so loud, I was sure that people in another dimension heard it. I held the bloody arrow with my shaky fist, then snapped it in half and threw it onto the ground.

Jake gently lowered me into the grass. He took his shirt off and tied it tightly around my wound. He clutched me tightly to his chest, allowing me to release my anger and pain through hot tears and screams.

When I finally came back to my senses, I thanked Jake and apologized for not only having to use his shirt as a bandage, but also for making him watch my breakdown.

He grinned. "I didn't really mind. I'm sure you would have done the same thing for me."

"Now how am I going to fight like this? I can't even walk," I sighed.

"You aren't going to be doing any fighting for now. We have to find Logan to heal your wound first."

"But we haven't even seen Logan ever since the new influx of monsters came in!"

"Then I'm going to go look for him. In the mean time, stay hidden. Do not go attack monsters, you're in no condition to do so."

I scowled. "No promises..." He gave me a pointed look.

"Okay, fine! I'll stay hidden!" I answered.

He grinned and put his hands on my shoulders. "Good. Take care of yourself. Hopefully, I'll come back with Logan."

"Hold on, take my gem sword; incase you need it."

He nodded and picked it up from the ground. "See you soon."

"See you soon." With one last glance, he sped off. "And ask Logan for a new shirt! Exposed skin makes for an easier target!" I called out.

"You act like you don't like seeing me shirtless!" He hollered. I could practically hear him grin. I shook my head and smiled, until he became nothing but a spec in the distance.

Wearily, I pulled down my main menu only to see that my rest bar was low. Deciding that my current place behind a boulder was not the best place to hide, I got up to search for a crevice in the rock wall next to me. Using the wall for support, I hopped on my right leg while keeping my injured leg in the air.

My stomach twisted into a tight knot as I stared out ahead of me. There was fire in the distance. No doubt people are being burned alive right now. I shook my head in disgust. I was tired of this. This was not the SkyFall I knew before, back when it was only a video game that I played for fun.

I continued hopping, feeling my good leg cramp up slightly. A treetop above me rustled. I froze, worried that my loud hopping would attract some unwanted attention. I felt something wrap around my waist, but they weren't someone's arms.

I screamed as the thick vines picked me up from the ground. It moved me around, like a little boy moving around a toy airplane- only much worse. I clawed at the vines and used fire shock repeatedly, but got little results.

The vines raised me into the crown of the tree. A gigantic Venus flytrap stood perched on a tree branch, screeching like a banshee. It's jaws opened wide, making me realize that I could easily fit inside. The arm-like vines thrusted me towards the flytrap's mouth.

I resisted, pushing against the plant's jaws and long, pointy teeth. My arms began to shake. I can't hold out much longer! The vines pressed on me with even more force, sending my upper half sprawling into its mouth. My face met the gooey, inside wall of the flytrap's bottom jaw. I felt myself slide in further, but my lower half was still on the outside. Oh crap, oh crap! I'm about to be plant food!

A mixed scent of cut grass and aloe vera met my nose. I struggled to push myself out of the its mouth, but my hands kept slipping on the Venus flytrap's saliva-like liquids. My legs kicked wildly, making my injury throb, until I had a sudden idea.

I thunder kicked repeatedly using my good leg; at first, hitting nothing but air. Then, my foot made a forceful impact with the tree branch, creating a sharp cracking sound.

Slowly, the branch broke and fell off the tree, bringing the plant and me with it. My fall was softened by the flytrap's lower jaw, but that only made it's teeth sink into my stomach. I gasped at the pain, feeling my warm blood trickle. I began to breath unevenly as I felt the world around me spin like a merry-go-round. My mind whirled as I lost count of all the lives I was losing. The flytrap let out a small wail of pain, bringing me back to reality.

I pushed myself away from the Venus flytrap, in an attempt to pull out its teeth from within me. I laid on the ground, clutching my stomach with one hand and reaching for an shard of wood with the other. The flytrap's jaws moved, confirming that it was still alive. Grabbing the large piece of wood tightly, I sank the point into the flytrap's mouth, straight into its throat. Looks like you're going down with me.

It screamed out, moving sloppily until it lied limp on the ground. It's jaws twitched slightly. From the corner of my eye I saw a vine weave it's way through the dirt. At first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, after all, I was losing a lot of blood.

After blinking a few times, I realized it was indeed moving. I narrowed my eyes, and using another shard of wood, I stabbed the vine, making it fall motionless.

Despite my lightheadedness, I smiled. I guess people feel eerie calm before they die. I winced slightly at the sensation in my stomach. Suddenly, I heard voices, they sounded very much like Ally and Megan's. I guess my life is flashing in front of my eyes...

Slurred images of Megan and Ally came to view. I reached up, as if to touch them, and smiled. Suddenly, I frowned, wondering why Dawn still hadn't appeared. Someone appeared behind Megan and Ally, but I didn't get to see who it was, as my foggy vision became nothing but darkness.


Did you guys like this chapter? No? Okay... ._. Anywaaaaays, I apologize for it's shortness, but maybe this will make up for it! *Hands you plate of cookies as a sign of friendship*

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