"I don't deserve to be a paladin"

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Lance's POV

I had enough of everyone in my brain, I threw the headset off and ran out of the room as fast as I could. I ran not knowing where I was going until I was in front of blue's hanger. I ran in front of blue and she opened her mouth for me to walk in.

what's the meaning of this little cub!

"I tried to be strong for everyone and for you blue! I tried to keep it to myself and make everyone happy but I failed! I tried so hard i hurt myself in the process and now Keith knows about my past that I didn't want him to see. Now he's...." I was sobbing so hard I couldn't complete that sentence because Keith knows now I cried even more.

Little cub everything will be alright, I promise. Maybe it's a good thing everyone knows about your sadness! You could talk someone, to the others then more me.My little cub I wish I could help more but I can't do much other then talk to you.

I thought about what blue was telling me "Maybe it's a good thing". No it's not a good thing! My crush knows and I don't want him to see me as a broken, pathetic person! I want him to see me as the goofball, the happy person everyone thought I was.

"God why me" I sobbed to myself, I looked to my left and saw my suit. I kept it in blue incase of emergency's.I looked at it and thought.

"I don't deserve to be a paladin"

Don't talk like that lance! You do deserve me, please listen to me.

I got up from the seat and walked over to my helmet and took it. Then walked out of blue and didn't say anything when she tried to talk to me.

I was walking to my room but then I felt someone grab my arm, I looked over my shoulder and saw Keith looking at me with worried eyes. I pulled my arm out of his grip and right as I was gonna walk, he said something and I turned around and faced him with a confused face.

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I said please don't go." He said quietly

"Keith,I'm not going anywhere. I'm just going to my room, I'm tired ok?" I said smiled then walked away.

I hated to lie but it was the best thing to do right now, I had to convince him I was fine just until I was ready. I walked into my room and walked to my desk I had and got out pieces of paper. Seven pieces of paper, seven letters I had to write but the number was bad enough. I couldn't take it I broke down a little, but I had to get these papers done before someone saw them.

Keith's POV

"What the actual fuck did I just witnessed?! "Pidge said sobbing,

I just stood there with tears falling down my face.

"Lance why?" I asked mostly to myself.

"What are we doing here just standing around?! We need to find lance!" I yelled at everyone and we ran out of the room to look for him.

God why, please lance be ok! Please I beg you, please be okay. I was replaying those thoughts over and over again praying he was okay.

Why didn't he just fucking tell us or me?! I mean he could have told me if he wanted to but why didn't he?! I searched around the castle for at least a half an hour until I saw someone turn the corner coming out of a Lion's hanger. It was blue's, LANCE! I ran until I caught up to him and grabbed his arm looking at him, I was worried.

He pulled his arm away and started to walk away "Please don't go." I said quietly he stopped and turned around to face me.

"What did you say?" He asked.

"I said please don't go."I said almost in tears.

"Keith I'm not going anywhere.I'm just going to my room, I'm tired ok?" He said smiling and then walked away tears slid down my cheeks, I didn't believe him. He's not okay. Why didn't I see it before, my crush is broken and I can't do anything about it.

I started sobbing and dropped to the floor. God why didn't I see this before? I started sobbing harder until I felt arms around me. I looked up seeing who it was and I saw pidge looking at me.

"I know how it feels Keith, Lance is like a older brother to me and knowing he went through that and didn't tell us about it. It breaks my heart too, but He'll be okay, we'll support him"Pidge said

I smiled and we got up and went to go find the others in the control room. Everyone was talking until me and Pidge walked into the room and then hunk walked over to me.

"Did you find lance?" He asked and I nodded. He let out a long breath of relief.

"I saw him coming out of blue's hanger, I tried to talk to him but he said he was tired. So he went to his room" I said with a shaky voice.

"Listen everybody, I know today has been a interesting day but how about everyone go get some rest. Tomorrow we'll see what happens "Allura said and we all nodded and walked out of the room. I went to my room and and sat on my bed.

Lance, I wonder what goes through your head and I wonder what can I do to help you. I wanted to help him, I wanted to get closer to him, I want to be there for him, I want to be the first person he tells his past to, but how? How can I do all those things without my feelings coming out?

God I'm so stupid to think that lance actually likes me, I rolled on my bed and put my face in my pillow and let out a little frustrated scream. I rolled over on my back and looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes, Maybe some sleep could help.
Hope you enjoyed and imma give you a heads up right now the next chapter will be something.

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