Wedding day

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Lance stood in front the mirror, staring at his tux. He had a black tux with a blue handkerchief in his suit pocket. He looked down at his engagement ring, the diamond in the middle sparkling. Lance smiled, tears brimming his eyes.

"Aye! Mija, no crying! Today is a happy day, you look so handsome baby." Mamá McClain smiled, tears brimming her eyes too.

"Mom! You tell me not to cry but you cry!" Lance laughed and brought her into a hug.

"I know, i know! But today is the day my baby boy gets married!" She smiles.

"Ugh! What happens if he changes his mind! What happens if he gets tired of me!" Lance suddenly backs up.

"Mijo, your just having cold feet. Everything is fine, Keith loves you!" Mamá smiles and brought Lance's hands in hers.

"Ok! We need you out there! It's about to start!" Mamá smiles and fixes his tux.

"I wish Papa were here." Lance frowns.

"Me too baby. But he will be sitting right up there. Smiling from the heavens." Mamá smiles

The doors came into sight, Mamá looks at Lance and he smiles.

Two men opens up the door for them when Mamá knocks. The music starts playing, everyone stands up and watches as lance walks down the isle with Mamá on his right.

His grip tightens as he gets closer, tears start to slide down his face again.

Shiro was right next to Keith, one hand on Keith's shoulder as Keith smiled, tears filling his eyes.

On Lance's side was Pidge then Hunk, both smiling. Pidge was wearing a beautiful green flowing dress with Hunk wearing a black suit with a yellow handkerchief in his suit pocket. Shiro was wearing an all black suit, Keith wearing an all black suit with a red handkerchiefs his suit pocket.

When they got to the front, Mamá handed Lance over to Keith. Kissing Lance's cheek and smiles at Keith.

Mamá sat down next to Krolia, she showed up a couple days after Keith proposed. She said she had received a signal from earth, it was lance calling out for her. Lance surprised Keith for his birthday, the only thing he wanted, was to finally find and meet his mother.

Keith held Lance's hand, tears falling from his face.

"My love why are you crying?" Lance smiled and wiped away his tears.

"You just look so beautiful, I'm the most luckiest man alive." Keith smiled and Lance laughed.

"I love you." Lance smiled and Keith tightened his hold on Lance.

"Do you Lance McClain take Keith Kogane as your husband, to love and to hold, to cherish through sickness and heath?" The pastor asked

"I do." Lance smiles

"Do you Keith Kogane take Lance McClain as your husband, to love and to hold, to cherish through sickness and heath?" The pastor asked

"I do." Keith smiles

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss." The pastor smiles and walks off the stage.

Keith leans in to kiss Lance, lance closed his eyes as their lips connected. Cheers and claps cane from the audience, they back away after a few minutes.

Lance grabbed Keith's hand and led him down the isle. Both laughing and smiling.

Keith and lance danced across the floor, Lance had his head on Keith's shoulder. Keith our both hands on Lance's side, resting on the small of his back. Lance had his arms wrapped around Keith's neck, smiling at the smell of his lovers scent.

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