Darken a Beautiful shade of blue?

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Lance POV

I woke up on a cold table with my hands and feet tied to it . I tried to focus to the purple lights and once I did I saw stands and machines all around me.

Where am I now? I looked around more and I saw a door to the far left of me, purple lights glowing through the door.

I looked to the right and saw windows of outside, I saw the shining of the stars glowing around out the window and I couldn't help but smile at them thanking them for being there. Then I heard the door open and heard someone walk to my side. I turned my head with a smirk and looked at him with his glowing yellow eyes.

"Well hello Priced Lotion, What does it mean for you to grace me with your presence?" I said laughing

"Hello Blue Paladin" He said with a faded smirk on his face. He went to the other side of the table where the machines were and looked at then, For a while he just stood there and then after what seemed forever but was actually just five minutes. He walked to my right side and looked at me

"Well Blue Paladin looks like everything is going to be as planned." Lotor said with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about? What plan?" I asked.

"Thats for me to know and for you to found out." He said winking then walking out of the room. A shiver ran down my spine and I looked out the window to see the stars shining. Stars always calmed me down whenever I needed to relax. The way they shined it was almost like they were shining for me and I smiled.

I stared out the window to what seemed like forever, then the door opened again and I saw Haggar aka The Witch Bitch. I laughed to myself as she walked over to the table.

"Blue Paladin of Voltron. Where are the others?" She asked with a stern voice.

"How should I fucking know I've been here for god knows how long." I said laughing.

She zapped me with purple lightning beams and I had to bite my tongue to hold back from screaming. She stopped the zapping and I trying to catch my breathe to try to ease the pain

"Where is Voltron?!" She yelled


She went to zap me again until the door slid open and she looked over.

"That'll be enough for now Haggar, I have to ask our guest a couple of questions myself before you get to have all the fun." Lotors face appears from the door frame. She stepped away from the table and Lotor walked over with a smirk on his face.

"So Little Blue, Where's Voltron?" He asked

"Like I said before, how the hell should I know I didn't go in the wormhole with them" I said smirking

"Do you have any connections with the rest of the Paladins?" He asked

"How the hell could I have any connections, You guys took my fucking helmet and my armor so how the hell could I contact them dumbass." I answered. He looked at Haggar and she nodded and raised her hands up and zapped me with the purple lightning again.

I bit my tongue harder this time drawing blood but it kept on hurting more. I arched my back to the pain, A single tear sliding down my face but she wouldn't stop zapping me I knew what she wanted. She wanted to scream, to beg for her to stop but I won't I'll never scream. I'm a Paladin of Voltron they never beg for mercy, They are strong so I have to be strong. For Keith, for Blue, For my family, and my space family.

She stopped zapping me a couple minutes later knowing if she kept on going she'll either end up tiring herself out or killing me. I was happy when she stopped, I was panting heavily , Trying to ease the pain from all the lightning that went through my body.

"You know what little blue I like you, I didn't think you'll get through Haggar's lightning being a regular human." He smirked and grabbed my jaw to make me look at him.

"I think I'll even make you into my little pet" He said smirking pushing my jaw to the other side.

"Never in my life would I be yours" I said coughing up blood

He laughed and walked out of the room with Haggar by his side and once again I was alone with my thoughts. I wonder what the others are doing, I wonder what Keith is doing. I miss our little fights we have but he always ends up winning. I miss his smile, I miss his laugh, I just miss him.

My eyes felt heavy and I begged myself not to fall asleep, I started to closed my eyes and I fell asleep anyway.

(Time skip brought to by me.exe)

I woke up to a sharp pain on my cheek, I opened my eyes and saw Lotor standing there with his fists to the side of him.

"Hello again Prince loser" I said laughing until my side cramped up and I yelped in pain.

"Still being sassy I see."He said with a smile.

"This is exactly why I wanted you blue Paladin, this is why I wanted you as my little pet" He said smiling.

"But you see Lance, I'll brake you until you respect me, I'll break your little mind until you wish you were dead. Imma make hell seem like a paradise when I'm done with you" He grabbed my jaw a jerked my head up to his face. Our faces were inches apart then he turned to my ear and whispered.

"Lance you'll be scared of everything and everyone when I'm finished you you. The once sassy, Happy, cheerful lance you are now won't be the same when I'm done."

He backed away from my face and smirked, he walked over to a little stand with a couple of little objects on the table. A shiver went down my spine as he picked up a objects a walked over to me with the thing in his hand. He ripped the fabric from my suit, from my arms to my shoulder and ripped sleeves off. He started to carve into my skin and blood dripped down my arm as I tried to keep from screaming. He went to the other arm and did the same, He put the object back and came over to the table and unhooked the restraints that was holding my arms and legs down.

I fell to the ground then tried to stand up but got knocked over with lotor punched me in the face. I tried to get back up but he kicked me in my stomach knocking the wind right out of me real quick. I laid there holding my stomach then lotor grabbed me by my hair to pick me up and then slapped me leaving a red hand mark on my right cheek. He pushed me to the ground and then yelled for the guards.

The guards came and put cuffs on my hands, I tried to wiggle around to get away for them but the cuffs only got tighter around my wrists. I started push and yell for them to get away from me but they just came closer, then one of them punched me in the face and I couldn't move. Im really starting to hate getting hurt to the point I can't move.

I started to feel me getting picked up and thrown but other then that I can't see anything or hear anything. I tried to move around but nothing happened. It hurt too much to move.

"I really hope my plan works."

That's the last thing voice before I heard before the door closed. I started to think to myself, would the team really come to save me? When will they come? Do they even want me back after the stuff they saw? Do they think I'm just an attention whore? Did they ever really take me seriously on the team?

Is Keith worried about me? Of course not we hate each other. Well he hates me but I don't hate him, I actually think I fell I love with Keith when we first met. I didn't believe in love at first sight but with him I definitely believed then.

I just want to be with the team again I miss them.

I miss Keith.......

I hoped you enjoy it took most of my day after school.

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