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I really wanna meet my internet best friend like I would give my soul to satin to meet her. :(  but I want more HMU! Trust me I'm not as crazy.
And your comments made me cry yesterday. I love you guys sm!
But mi madre brought out la chancla and I screamed, I'm scared to go back into the house!
3rd POV

It was morning and everyone was awake by now. Today was gonna be a long and hard day for our blue paladin, today was the day where they had to question Leo. Everyone but Lotor and Rosályn were there.

He decided to stay with Rosályn since he didn't want to leave her, in case she woke up. But the rest met up at the coms room to be informed about what to do and not to do.

"Today we are going to be questioning Leo, we are not gonna take his cuffs off. But we can ask him anything that is relatable to Zarkons plan. It's gonna be a glass wall between us, he cannot get out what so ever." Allura explained

Everyone nodded and made their way down to the cell area at the bottom of the ship.

The air seemed colder down there then where they used to be. It seemed like there was no heat, electricity, or even stable for humans to be down here.

"Is it even safe to keep Leo down here? It's kinda cold." Hunk asked

"That's how it's supposed to be here. But the farther you get towards the cells it gets a little warmer. Normally, Alteans have a very higher temperature rate and can stand the cold. But I turned up the heat when he got here." Coran explained while playing with his orange mustache.

As they got to the cells part, it Indeed got a little warmer. As they got to a cell, there was a figure there. James snarled at the figure in the corner of the room.

The figure laughed and started to make his way to the front of the cell. His fair skin has gotten a little bit darker in the past year. His brown eyes glimmer in the little light they have. Then his frame was a little bit more muscular then it was in the past.

He came into the light, on the side of his face had a little scar. A sick grin appeared on his face.

"Hey lancey." Leo purred

Lance just stood there, he didn't know what to do.

"He can't get you." Keith whispered to him and rubbed his back gently.

"How did you get into space." James asked.

"I was walking around then a tall purple guy knocked me out. Then when I was on the ship a guy named Zarkon said 'I can get what you desire if you help me.' And of course I said yes." Leo smirked and winked at lance.

"While you were on the ship, did you see any prisoners?" Pidge asked with a glare.

"I tortured a few." Leo smirked

"Did you know any of the name holt?" Pidge asked again

"Sam and Matt holt. God they put up a fight. I still can remember their screams." Leo laughed


Before Pidge could finish her sentence hunk grabbed her and hugged her. He started rubbing her back and she cried into his shirt.

"Where are they?" Shiro yelled

"Why would I ever tell you handsome." Leo winked then chuckled.

Lance had enough of this, he got out of Keith's hold and went towards the glass. He had a murderous look on his face.

"You can hurt me, you can insult me, you can punch me, kick me, EVEN SLAP ME. But don't you dare think you can hurt the people I love. I am done with your games Leo! Tell me where they are!" Lance yelled

"I loved it when you were feisty like this mi amor." Leo chuckled.

Lance glared at him.

"Give me the keys." Lance said

"What?! No I'm not gonna-"

"Give me the keys now!" Lance yelled and Allura threw them.

Lance slowly unlocked the cell and went in then threw the keys back at Allura. He mouthed lock it to her and she complied.

"What's are you doing?! You can't lock him in with that monster!" Keith yelled.

There was a scream from the cell and they all looked over. They saw Leo on the ground but lance had two knifes in his hand. Leo had one of the three in his thigh and he screamed in pain.

"Tell me where the holt family is! I'm not playing your games anymore Leo! I'm not scared of you anymore!" Lance screamed and Leo did the same as lance kicked him in the stomach.


Before he could say anything else lance stabbed him in his arm. Leo screamed out in agony again as lance put his foot on Leo's thigh wound making him scream more.

"Tell me now!" Lance yelled

"They're in t-the 301 sector of a G-galra b-base on a p-planet called Kybo. " Leo yelled out.

Lance slowly took his foot off Leo's thigh, he bent down to Leo's face. His eyebrows were scrunched together in pain as sweat was on his forehead.

"You put me through more pain then I ever did before. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw your hands on me. Every time I was alone I felt your presence, like you were gonna steal me back and hurt me over and over again! I was scared to be alone! Scared for people to touch me. My best friend had to be there for me whenever I called him crying because you haunted my dreams.HAD TO MOVE TO GET AWAY FROM YOU! But you still came back and continued haunt me! That isn't fair to the love of my life! He treats me like royalty. He makes me feel important! But I know won't be like you, I know he won't hurt me like you did. I hope you rot in hell! Goodbye Leo."

After he finished his rant lance plunged the knife into Leo's neck. Leo tried to fight back but lance only held it more tighter. Soon Leo went limp in lances arms.

Soon there was a pair of arms around lance. He touched his face to feel tears going to down his face. He didn't even know he was crying until now.

The pair of arms dragged lance out of the cells and brought him closer into his arms.

"Shhh lance. It's ok. He got what he deserves. If you didn't kill him I would've." Keith said while rubbing lances back.

He sobbed into Keith shirt, he looked over to see Pidge still in hunks arms. He got up and walked over to Pidge, he got her from hunks arms and smiled.

"Pidgin, we're gonna get your family back! Then we're gonna go to earth! Okay. I promise." Lance said while rubbing her back.

" thank you lance. I love you so much. You've been like my older brother since Matt been gone. I'm sorry the way I treated you from before! I'm so sorry! " Pidge sobbed

"It's ok. I love you too." Lance hugged her tighter.

"I think we need to some rest after today. Why don't we all go upstairs and get some goo...." Allura smiled

Everyone nodded and lance carried Pidge up to the kitchen. After he was okay she ate then fell asleep in lances arms.

Lance then carried her to her room and laid her down. As he made his way to his own room and pair of arms rapped around his waist. He looked down to see a pair of purple eyes.

Lance turned around to hug Keith properly. They made their way to lances room silently. When they got there lance took off his shoes and laid down on the bed and Keith did the same.

Lance wrapped Keith up in his arms and smiled as they held each other securely.

"I love you so much lance." Keith said

"I love you too Keith." Lance replies as they both fell asleep.

Word count: 1385

TA DA! *jazz hands*
Poor babies. But WE GOT TO 31K GUYS! I love you Sm! But mafia lance will be out on lances birthday! So keep in tune! Love you guys <3

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