Please leave

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I walked into blues hanger, I heard her purr in my head which made me smile.

"Well hello there beautiful." I smiled, I walked to her paw and sat down getting comfortable.

My cub! I sense your upset, what's wrong?

"It's nothing blue, I just over heard the team talking about me." My voice trailing off. I didn't want to think about all the things they said about me, what Keith said about me.

Oh my, what did they say?!

"That I'm annoying. Whenever I flirt and say jokes, I only want to make people happy! But they just think I'm annoying." I feel tears building in my eyes again.

Don't listen to them my cub! You are perfect just the way you are. you aren't annoying!

"Thanks blue." I smiled. Some tears escaping my eyes, I wiped them away and put my head on her leg.

I took a couple of deep breathes, i put on a smile and then I got up. I looked at blue and sighed.

"Goodnight beautiful" I smiled, I waved to blue and walked out the hanger.

goodnight my cub!

As I walk out of my hanger, I went to my room. When I was walking there, I saw Keith and pidge talking. I hope they didn't notice me walking into my room. But just my luck, when I was walking in my room they spotted me and walk over to me.

I closed my door and locked it as I slid down the door looking up holding back my tears. The darkness of the room made me think of home, the stars that were in my room made me think of the camping trips. The others don't really know of my homesickness, I miss my family, I miss all the memories we have together.

God I miss them so much, they probably think I'm dead. But that makes my heart sink a little more and honestly I hate this feeling. I hear knocking in my door, I just ignoring it. I hear Keith's voice whisper something to Pidge and my heart throbbed even more. Why did I have to feel this way right now?

"Lance open the door please?" Pidge asked, they knocked on the door a couple times. I took a deep breathe trying to calm my breathing.

"Go away, I'm trying to fucking sleep!" I yelled, I just wanted to throw something or even scream.

I had to lie, they wouldn't leave me alone I had to get away. I had to get away from Keith, I had to get away from everyone right now.

"Fine whatever." Pidge said storming off. I heard footsteps get further away, I banged my head on the door. Wanting to just disappear.

I hear soft sigh on the other side of the door. I heard footsteps going down the hall, thanking god I was finally alone.

It finally hit me, I was alone. Usually I would be happy to be alone, but I felt something different, not because what they said, but what keith said. It hurt me even more thinking about it.

"I kinda agree Shiro, he is somewhat annoying."

What does that mean somewhat annoying? Does he think I'm annoying or does he not? The blue lights shining around my room, casted a sort of depressing mood. I started to think about the events that happened only a couple hours ago.

My vision was going blurry, I hadn't even noticed I was crying. Hot tears going down my face. Why of all people did this had to happen to me? Keith and Pidge were right, I'm just an annoying and I annoy everyone. That's all I'm good at.

Everything I do to make people smile is just stupid. Maybe I just should've stayed in my dorm at the Garrison then none of this would have happened!  Maybe i still would be with my family.



big flirt


"Somewhat Annoying"


Kill your self

"That's all your good at"


My head was swarming with these thoughts. I couldn't take it anymore, I tried to go asleep, but the more I tried to go to sleep, the more thoughts came to me. I got up from the bed and walked out to go to the kitchen go find a snack, I reached into my pants pocket to look for my phone Pidge made everyone.

I got out my phone with my blue case on it and looked at the time it was. Almost two in the morning, I rolled my eyes thinking how I'm gonna get through training tomorrow.

Allura said we are going through a new training tomorrow, technically today but whatever. As I walk into the kitchen I notice the light is on and I walk slowly to see who was there, to my luck it was the least person I wanted to see right now.

I saw Keith eating some sort of cookies that we saw at the space mall and decided to get them. As I mean we, I meant Hunk, he has a big sweet tooth now-a-days and honestly I have no idea how he has that big of a sweet tooth. As I walk fully into the kitchen I see his eyes on me, god his violet eyes are so beautiful.

I walk to the center and his eyes still on me and I start to get nervous I didn't know what was going to happen. I went to the counter to grab some cookies from the bag and ate a couple. I turned around and walked away, but then I felt a tug on my shirt and saw Keith looking at me. I was nearly about to explode, what was happening?

"Lance?" he said slowly, he looked at me and I turned my head away from him. It wasn't until he tugged on my sleeve I stopped.

"Keith" I turned around fully and looked at him with confused look on my face.

"Um I needed to talk to you about earlier, about what i said. I didn't really mean it, I actually think your jokes are funny and the flirting. I don't know how you do it all the time." he said softly. I just looked at him.

"Lance? Hello?" he waved his hand in front of my face and I didn't know what to do.

"I um it's fine I guess" i said slowly.

"oh okay um guess I'll see you around" Keith said smiling walking away i just stood there then turned around to go to my room and tried to sleep. I didn't get much of it since a lot was on my mind. I got up slowly then went to grab my phone to see what time it was 7:45 AM. I'm a little early then usually, but I guess that's a good thing.

I walked over to my dresser to get my suit on and then walked out of my room to go to the dining room where I see the other Paladins already eating and having a good time. When I down everyone stopped eating and looked at me.

"What?"I said

"Nothing" Pidge said, walking away from me.

"Well anyway good morning everyone when everyone is done eating meet me and Coran in the training room today we are starting a new training system" Allura said with a smile then walked out of the room.

(Time skip because I really don't feel like writing about them eating their green goo)

When everyone was done eating we got up and put the bowls in the space sink thingy, then we walked into the training room and when we walked into the room we saw as tall machine with Altean writings on it and I really didn't wanna know want was gonna go on.

"well hello everyone this thing right here is a altean device that can see inside your mind,the exercise will help know about your past life and all about you!" Allura said smiling at the end.

My face grew pale because my past life isn't the best life and I don't need their fucking pity about it either but they were gonna find out sooner or later right?

"ok who's going first?!" Allura said smiling. __________________________

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