Talking about the past.

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So. I have a bone to pick. These comments.

ARE SO FUNNY I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!  Like I looked at my recent ones and got so much shit off of the comments about Shiro being the gorgeous man. I just love you guys so much. Keep these beautiful comments coming. And if I'm telling the truth, I don't think I got hate comments at all! THAT WARMS MY HEART!  But here you go loves. Some sad stuffs about to happen!

But I wanna change my username. Help?
3rd POV

Everyone had a job to do in the castle. Keith started off gathering up his weapons and making sure their ship shape for this 'war'. But that's only what he calls it.

Then Shiro started making sure this 'war' would go as plan, he was looking for any holes or blank spots where the Galra could attack and make it so they can't.

Pidge was still trying to hack into the Galra main base, trying to get into cameras to see if anything is worth risking the mission. Everything seems to be fine, Galra training, generals talking about stuff the paladins already knew.

Hunk was in the kitchen to make some 'celebration snacks' for the mission. To keep the stress away of course.

Allura tapping away on her screen to find the location of any Galra ships waiting to attack. She was pretty calm for them going into war. But what can we say, she's seen way worse.

Coran still walking around fixing and updating systems so they could be stronger and most likely to succeed in this 'war'. Humming away to an old Altean folk song, he to was pretty calm.

Next, Our newest two soldiers, Rosályn and James. Rosályn in the training room sharping up her skills as Keith walked in with his weapons. He started training with her while James was with our Blue Paladin in his room.

Lance. He didn't know what to think about this so called 'war'. He kept on thinking how this was all his fault this war was going on. He had his bestfriend by his side, but somehow he doesn't like it that he's here. He could die, or get hurt, and he was thinking how everything would be his fault.

"Lance?" James asked and lance hummed not looking at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked and lance looked at him with sadness.

"What if you get hurt. I wouldn't forgive myself if you get hurt. This is all my fault." Lance said looking at the ground once more.

"Bro. The worst things I'm thinking about right now is that I'm missing our show!" James said whining.

"You mean Greenhouse Academy!" Lance said with wide eyes.

"Yes! I swear to god. I didn't see the ending coming." James said laughing

" I know right!" Lance said

"But I wonder if they came out with a new season." James asked pouting

"Bro. They better. When we get back to earth we are gonna sit down on your fucking couch and binge watch that shit over again. I'll bring Carne Asada." Lance said while James only whined.

"Shut up dude. Your moms Carne Asada still haunts me. Got I would kill someone to eat that again." James said and lance laughed

"You can kill Leo and then Mama would give you Carne Asada. I remember the time she met him. It was so crazy. She literally wanted to kill him." Lance said laughing

"You remember the homemade Garlic Nots you mom used to make for us whenever it was raining outside because you'd just start being sad. I remember the smell of it and you knew the love was gonna kill you." James said sighing.

"I wanna go home. I miss mama. Reina and Jake. I miss the twins and how sassy they would get every time we would eat all the food. God they were like master minds. And those eyes, we couldn't say no." Lance said looking at James.

"Don't worry. They're fine. Elena and Star were just as sad as when your dad died. Jake and Reina just locked them self in their room for a while but came out after a couple months." James explained

"What about mama?" Lance asked

"She didn't know how to handle losing you. She would cry a lot and blame herself for letting you walk out that door. She wasn't the same. I went over sometimes to take the twins to school since you used to do it. She wouldn't talk for months and months. But then something clicked in her. She went back to her normal self but we had a memorial for you. It was in the day you left. We honestly thought you were dead." James said starting to cry. Lance brought him into a hug, James started crying more and heavier.

"I didn't know how to take it. My best friend. Dead. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I didn't want you to leave. I wanted you to stay home with us. My only best friend, I don't want nobody else but you with that title. I had have a angle monitor on ever since I tried to kill Leo. I don't regret trying to kill him. They took my to prison for a few months. But once they found out who Leo was he took him in and let me go for some reason." James said starting to hiccup.

"It's because he's a wanted criminal. He robs, he hurt people James and somehow I was his next victim. I wanted to tell you but he said he'd kill you and my family. I couldn't do that to you. To mama, Jake, Reina, Star and Elena to you! I love you guys too much for that." Lance said tearing up.

"He- did he- hurt you- really bad?" James asked still hiccups

"Sometimes. When I didn't give him what he wanted. But it was all worth it to keep you u guys safe. He made me do drugs, when his friends were over he would treat me badly. Like a servant. He would get drunk and hit me when they left. I was so weak. He didn't let me eat. Only in Friday's. I felt so weak and useless. But I thought of you guys and then. I became stronger." Lance said while tears streaming down his face.

"He did that to you?" A voice came from the fore and both boys turned around to see Keith staring at them. Tears started streaming down Keith face with anger in Keith eyes.

"Keith wait-" Lance said as Keith walked out the door to find the others. Keith came out to the meeting room to find everyone but the two boys there.

"We have to kill Leo now!" Keith's shouted startling the team.


"You know what matter of fact. Imma kill him. Leave it to me." Keith shouted

"Keith-" Shiro started

"NO! Don't give me that." Keith said backing away

"Tell us what happened. The plan was to capture him." Shiro said

"You don't know how bad he hurt lance. I heard it all." Keith said as the door opened to to lance and James with red eyes.

"Keith stop! This isn't your fight!" Lance said

"Yes the fuck it is! Your my boyfriend and you think he can do that to you! He made you weak. No body does that to you! Your a human being not a slave or toy!" Keith yelled

"Every one calm down now!" Shiro and Allura yelled

"We're sticking with the plan to capture him! Information first! Then you can do whatever you want." Shiro said and Keith's eyes filled with anger and blood lust

"Fine. But after we're gonna kill him." Keith said walking over to lance and putting his hand on the side of lances head.

"Lance.  I love you so much." Keith said pecking lances lips and lance smiled

"I love you too." Lance said smiling

"I see you lance. Getting some at the time of war." James said and everyone laughed

"But everyone need to get ready. We're leaving in a Varga. Lotor will be in the spot." Shiro said and everyone nodded.

"Just remember. I'll always love you." Keith's said before kissing lance again then running to the gear room with lance behind him.

                           Let this war begin.
Word count:1438

So um hey. So I decided to write a mafia lance because I like causing people pain. So. HA. Love you. But anyway I need a new username. So suggestions. Other then that I hope this causes you pain and love.

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