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I went back and edited my past chapters to make them less horrible.
I've decided to make my Mafia Lance story and it'll be out soon I'll probably release it on lances birthday!!
MY CRUSH ASKED ME OUT! I can't believe he asked me out in my brothers birthday though. 7/3/18
3rd POV

Lotor sat near Rosályn's pod, he sat there ever since he found out that she had gotten hurt. He felt like if he stayed longer out in the field, he could have helped Rosályn. He could've kept her safe, he could've done more.

It has been a week since that ordeal and lotor hasn't left Rosályn pod for anything. He wanted to be the first person she saw, the first person that has her in his arms. He regrets for pushing her away and sending her to team Voltron. But it was the only way to make her safe, he knew Voltron could keep her retained and everything would be okay. She would be okay.


Lotor looked behind him to see Allura standing there, in her all white sleeping rope and her white slippers. Her hair was in a messy bun and it looked like she just got out of bed.

"Don't you want a room you could sleep in? We could always call you if something changes?" Allura said walking towards Lotor.

"No. It's fine princess. I don't want to leave. I want to be here when she wakes up." Lotor stated.

"Are you sure? Did you eat at all today. I didn't see you at breakfast or dinner today." Allura asked

"I'll be fine." He said

"No. You have to eat and keep your strength up. I'll be right back!" She said before running out the door.

Lotor shook his head and kept his gaze on Rosályn. Her beautiful brownish, tanish skin. Lotor remembers the first time he ever saw her, those brown eyes captivated him.


Lotor was walking into the training camp to be a spectator. By his fathers order he had to make sure everything was going as plan.

"Soldiers. Stand! Hut!" One of the trainers said.

"We have a guest here today maggots. Our prince, Lotor will be here for today. So stay in line you filthy trash of soldiers." The trainer said again.

The guy walked up to Lotor and bowed.

"Vrepit Sa." The trainer bowed

"What is your name soldier." Lotor asked.

"My name is Hugo,my lord" Hugo said

"Well Hugo. I hope you trained your soldiers well. If not, there will be no more Hugo." Lotor glared and Hugo gulped and bowed again.

"Soldiers. Role call." Hugo yelled

One by one Hugo called and and lotor didn't really pay attention. But soon to the end a woman stood up. She had beautiful black flowing hair in a pony tale. Her brown eyes look golden in the sunshine. It seemed like minutes turned into hours. He stared to the woman. She was the most beautiful one there.

"Rosályn." Hugo called again.

"Yes. Sir." She spat.

"Soldier. Is there a problem? Do I need to put you in your place again?" Hugo yelled as he was marching over.

He grabbed Rosályn by the neck and started to lift her off the ground. He then whispered something in her ear that made her eyes go wide and she was struggling.


Hugo turned around and saw Lotor walking over to him. He slowly put her down and pushed her to the ground.

"Yes my lord?" Hugo asked in confusion

"Please explain what the meaning of this. Your wasting time training them. I want them in top shape, not batted and beated. I want them killing not being the the one dead! So get back to work and train them. You can punish later." Lotor yelled and Hugo bowed and walked away to the others explaining what their doing next.

Lotor was starting to turn around and walk away but a voice made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Why did you stop him?"

Lotor turned around to see Rosályn up on her feet and staring at him. Lotor stares deep into her eyes, the brown almost looked shined a little.

"Because I don't have time for this. I came here to see HOW they train not HOW they punish. I need warriors not broken soldiers." Lotor said coldly.

He then walked away, he didn't want to be be that cold to her. It almost broke his heart but he didn't need a distraction. He wanted his father to be proud of him. To see that he'll do anything to be the next emperor, he wanted to lead his people.

*flashback ends*

Lotor felt a light tap on his shoulder and he looked up to see the princess with two bowls of goo.

"Here." Allura smiled as she handed him his bowl with his spoon.

"What were you going up late anyway?" Lotor asked

"Well I couldn't sleep as well. Something has been on my mind that I can't shake off." Allura explained.

"Wanna talk about it?" Lotor asked and Allura half smiled.

"Well....I think I have feelings for Shiro." Allura said quietly

Lotor looked at her and smiled and chuckled a little.

"Yeah I figured princess." Lotor chuckled

"Wait really?!" Allura said a little louder.

"Well yeah. The way you act each other, always comfortable with each other. I'm happy for you princess." Lotor smiled and Allura blushed.

There was silence once more in the medical bay, but it wasn't the uncomfortable silence. But it was the comforting silence, like they didn't mind that it was almost like three am in the morning in earth terms.

Time flew by as Lotor and Allura started talking about past memories. The night was filled with snacks and laughter. As the night flew by Allura started to get more tired and was slowly falling asleep. There was a sliding sound of the door opening.

Shiro came into the medbay with a confused look on his face.

"She was just keeping my company." Lotor explained and Shiro nodded.

"You should get her into her bed." Lotor said again and Shiro blushed a little.

Shiro slowly picked up Allura and walked out of the room. Once again Lotor was left alone, watching Rosályn rest.

        He just wanted to hear her voice.


Word count: 1079

Okay so Mafia au will be our soon probably one lances birthday so stay tuned in!!

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