Notice me please

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James started pacing around the room he was in. Thinking of ways he could get Matt to notice him, the poor boy couldn't get any sleep last night. Every time he would try to close his eyes, the face of Matt would appear and he would blush and open his eyes.

He didn't know what to do, he's never been like this. What Lance likes to call this stage "love sick puppy" and James just rolls his eyes and leaves. He just wanted Matt to notice him at least once before they go back to earth and the split apart. The picture of them separating tears James heart into pieces.

He shook away those thoughts. There was no way he would let them get a hold of him. He heard a door open and saw Lance.

"I heard pacing from down the hall. Are you seriously that hung up on Matt?" Lance said and James nodded

"Dude. It's serious. It was like love at first sight! I've never liked someone like this." James admitted

Lance shook his head and smiled. Finally his best friend found someone.

"Dude. Just go up to him and say 'I have slight feelings for you. Wanna get to know each other more?' And boom! Start of a relationship." Lance said while sitting down.

"It's not as easy for me Lance. You know how I get around people I like! It's like WW3." James said while glaring up his arms and bring them to his face.

"Man. I wonder if he likes me." James said hiding his face.


The two Holt siblings sat in the lab messing with things. Catching up with each other and telling jokes.

"So. Tell me about this James guy." Matt said

"James. What do you wanna know about him and why? You've never had any interest in people before besides Shiro." Pidge looked at him suspiciously.

"Well. He seems likes a nice guy. I just wanna know more about him." A blush crept on Matt's face and Pidge smirked.

"Well. He's Lance's old best friend from earth. He's been with us for a couple months now. He's a pretty funny guy." Pidge informs

"Does he have a girlfriend or a boyfriend back on earth?" Matt asked

"Well, the person you need to ask is either Lance or James himself. I have no idea if he's even into guys." Pidge said while picking up a tool.

Matt nodded got up and walked to find lance. He didn't have the confidence to find James and talk to him. When he first met him, it was lucky to get out a few words!

He walked to the kitchen to find hunk mixing up some stuff.

"Hey Hunk! Have you seen lance? I gotta talk to him about something." Matt asked

"Well. He went towards James room. I can show you were he is." Hunk suggested and Matt nodded

Hunk smiled and wiped off stuff from his hands and started walking towards James room.Once he got closer he felt heat on his face and tried to stop it.

Once he got there, he thanked Hunk and the door slid open. He looked at the two guys.

"Hey lance can I talk to you. In private." Matt asked and Lance nodded.

He got up from James bed and walked over to Matt. Matt looked over at James and heat flared on his face again. He moved his head out from the door and waited for lance.

James had suspicions. He tried to listen to what they were talking about but failed.


Matt walked with Lance out the door and a little to the side.

"What's up man?" Lance asked and Matt took a deep breath

"Does James have a girlfriend or a boyfriend back home?" Matt blurted out.

Lance looked at Matt with wide eyes. He looked at Matt then laughed.

"Of course he doesn't. He's too shy and oblivious to know when someone actually likes him." Lance said while laughing.

"Well. Do you think he would like me?" Matt asked while messing with his fingers.

Lance just looked at him, should he either rat out his best friend or let nature set its course.

"Go talk to him. That's all I have to say." Lance said and walked away towards James room again.

Matt let out a sigh, how could he do this. He wanted lance to talk to James for him but, Lance had other plans.

Matt covered his face with his hands, he needed to come up with a plan. Yes, an actual plan to talk to James without freaking out. Their first conversation, that was pure luck. He had no idea how he did that, but he needed to find out a way to do it again.

Matt started to walk towards James room, he can do this! Matt heard the door slide open and James and Lance came walking out. James spotted Matt and his face blew up in flames. Lance kept walking, he patted Matt's shoulder and whispered a good luck.

Matt walked closer to James slowly, Matt tried to keep calm.

"Hey!" Matt said and walked closer to James.

"Hi." James said softly

"Um, so. We haven't talked a lot since I've got here. I want to get to know you better." Matt smiled and James nodded.

James softly grabbed Matt's hand and started to walk to his room. James tried to hide his face, lance smiled to himself watching and listening from behind a corner.
Word count:943

Sorry if this is trash! School started so I'm like busy trying to get back into the swing of things :( love you guys!

Sorry for the short chapter :(

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