Taking control

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Okay so I love you guys sm! 32K! Your comments are sooo awesome! I love you guys sm!
I think I'm in love with Zack from Angels of Death. Like his laugh makes me smile and I think I love him more then my boyfriend. SHHH don't tell him! ;)
Follow me on Instagram! Royal_Altea
Nobody's POV

It's been a couple weeks since Leo was officially dead. Mostly everyone was shocked that lance killed him. Heck even lance was kinda shocked that he killed him! Everyone thought Keith was the one that was gonna do it. But life is full with surprises with team Voltron.

Lance kept to himself most of the time but still did training. Mostly he would eat by himself, he would try to train earlier then the others to be alone. He barely even talked to anyone anymore.

Keith was getting nervous by the way his boyfriend was acting. I mean why should he be acting like this? The one person that was haunting him was dead!

But lance honestly didn't want to kill Leo. He just wanted him to go far away or back in a prison back on earth. He wanted to have peace and work things out so they could all go back to earth. But lance killed him, he killed Leo!

He lost control in that cell. All the anger and abuse he absorbed just came out of him. He just lost control, that honestly scared him. What happens if he snaps again, on his team. His family but most importantly what if he snapped out on Keith!

Recently Rosályn woke up, she was mostly taken care of by Lotor and nobody else. Lotor didn't want anybody taking care of her.

It was dinner time about now and one person was missing from the table. Our beloved blue paladin.

"Where's lance?" Rosályn asked

She still didn't know that lance had killed leo. They didn't know how to tell her.

"Um, I think he's still training." Hunk said and Rosályn nodded and stood up.

"I'll go get him!" Rosályn walked out of the room quickly. Nobody had time to object.

Rosályn made her way down to the training room. Once she was in a close to the room she immediately heard a gun firing. She walked into the room to see lance being surrounded by bots.

Some bots had swords in their but a couple others had guns shooting at him from long ranges. Lance running around switching between a gun an a sword. It shocked Rosályn when she was the blue paladin with a sword. After all, Keith was the one that had a sword bayard!

Lance sliced through the Bots that were close ranged. After he got through the last one he switched to his gun. He had two hand guns in his hand. He took them down in the matter of minutes.

"He truly has the talent of an assassin." Rosályn muttered to herself.

Once she saw that all the bots were gone before lance could continue she yelled to stop. Lance looked up to see her amazed face.

"What?" Lance looked at her and trying to catch his breath.

"I didn't know you could use a sword!" Rosályn smiled

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me." Lance blankly said

"I've come here to get you for dinner. Aren't you gonna join us?" Rosályn asked and lance shook his head. She tilted her head and her eye brows furrowed together.

"Why?" She asked

"I'll eat later." That's all he said before he tried to start another level but Rosályn cancelled it.

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