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A tall man cradled a little baby in a blue blanket. His husband turned off the car and hopped out, grabbing the baby carrier and some bags. The tan male smiled and bounced the baby softly, the baby opened his eyes and coo'd.

The man with the mullet smiled at his newly family, he opened the door for his husband and the tan male walked into their old but homely house. The man with the mullet closed the door and placed the bags on the couch.

They've been married for three years now, finally being about to meet their baby after a year. The baby coo'd at his father and brought his tiny chubby hands to his face.

"He's so beautiful." Lance smiled tears brimming in both eyes.

Keith wrapped his arms around Lance's waist and pulled his closer. He placed his chin on Lance's shoulder, swaying with lance.

"He's very handsome, like his father." Keith laughed, Lance smiled and turned around. He gently handed the baby to Keith and walked to the bags.

The baby opened his eyes and looked up at Keith, noticing he wasn't in Lance's arms, he started to whine.

"Baby boy, what's the matter?" Keith asked, he brought him closer to his chest and supported his head.

The sixth month old baby only whines louder, he brought his tiny hands to his face again and rubs his face. His face turning red, he started to kick his feet. Keith struggling to keep him steadied and safe in his own arms.

"Lucas Charles McClain Kogane. Calm down baby." Keith frowned. There was a laugh in the background, Keith turned around to see lance smiling and leaning on the side of the couch. He finally started to walk over to Keith and he gladly handed over the baby to Lance.

Lucas looked at the new pair of arms, he saw the blue eyes of his father and felt his heart beat. He calmed down and coo'd, he turned to his side and barred his face in his father shirt.

"Hey that's not fair." Keith frowned and lance laughed. Lance boosted Lucas up and placed Lucas head on his shoulder, he put his right hand under Lucas bum for support and his left on his back. Lance softly rubbed his back as he falls asleep.

"He's a Papa's boy." Lance smirked.

"Still not fair." Keith sighed, Lance laughed and walked over to Keith. He took his hand off of Lucas back and reached for his husband hand.

"He'll love you. You still got that edgy vibe going on." Lance laughed and Keith pouted.

"Just give it a little time baby. He'll come around." Lance smiled and leaned in to kiss Keith. But a whine interrupted them and a pair of chubby hands patted Lance's chest.

The sound of a sob woke the two woke males up. Lance rips off the blankets and runs to Lucas room.

When Lance made it to Lucas room, the baby was wailing. His face was red, hands up to his face, sobs echoing through the room. Lance walks over to Lucas crib, he picks him up and bounces him softly. Soft shushes and whispers came from Lance, Lucas wails turns into whimpers and he digs his face into Lance's bare chest.

"Niño, Que esta mal mi amor." Lance whispers already half asleep.

This has been the third time Lucas has woken up, nothing was wrong. This time Lance didn't put him back in his crib. Lance carried him to Keith and his room, he carefully laid down with Lucas on his chest.

"Baby?" Keith whispers

"Yes my love?" Lance whispers back, Lance felt Keith scoot closer, Keith put his head on Lance's shoulder. Keith opened his eyes to a pair of brown eyes, he had his thumb in his mouth and wide eyes staring at Keith.

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