Ready as i'll ever be

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I made this and I refuse to show my face.......


It was late at night and I was texting my internet bestfriend and we sent these back and forth it was amazing....

Wolf children completely destroyed I cried....a lot. You could tell I was crying when I woke up because I watched it at night...the next day I needed a lot of hugs.

My best friend is trying to hook me up with some of her boy friends and i just wanna sleep and eat hot pockets and watch anime.
Nobody's POV

It was time to get back to business at the Castle Of Lions. The Paladins, Lotor, and Rosályn had to take down Zarkon and Leo once and for all. As they all sat at the table discussing plans things are getting a bit frustrating.

"I just don't get why we can't just barge in and quick attack them like we always do!" Keith shouted

"Yeah we always do that! We need a different plan Keith!" Pidge shouted back

"We need to be stealthy about it. We can't let any guards catch us in the act." Shiro exclaimed.

Lance sat there with Keith next to him, lance rubbed his head and tried to think about how he could even help out in the mission. He had no clue how they could even get in at this point.

"Well I could go in and help you guys from the inside because my father doesn't even know I'm on your side. Remember they think you guys captured me." Lotor explained and everyone nodded

"That is true. We could set out a pod that looks beat up and say they we tortured him for answers." Allura smiled

"But wouldn't we actually have to hurt Lotor to make him look like we tortured him?" Hunk frowned

"Well yeah....but it wouldn't be bad! Just a couple bruises and a couple of cuts..." Coran said

"I'm fine with it. As long as I can take down my father I don't mind." Lotor smiled while scratching the back of his head.

Everyone looked around and they all nodded, but there was one person that didn't really want to hurt Lotor in the process.

"Isn't there another plan we could use?" Rosályn spoke up.

"Well do you have one?" Keith asked


"We don't have time for another plan." Shiro shouted.

Shiro glared at Rosályn while Rosályn flared back.

"COULD YOU LET ME FINISH?!" She shot back.

"Like I was saying....well we could send a broadcast to the main ship demanding for Leo and possibly the Holt family... in exchange for Lotor." Rosályn suggested.

"How do you know that could work?" Shiro asked

"Well they need a Galra heir to lead their empire. Without it, everything will be out of balance." Rosályn explained and Lotor nodded in agreement.

"That idea isn't that bad." Allura said smiling

"That way nobody gets hurts." Rosályn smiled

"Well let's get that broadcast together. We need it by a varga!" Allura yelled and everyone started getting ready for the broadcast.

Allura started searching for cuffs they could put Lotor in for appearance,Shiro was with Coran getting the ship ready for the broadcast, Pidge started getting their armor and tech together to try and find their location while they broadcasted, Hunk was with Pidge making sure everything was in shape.

But as for the famous couple, Keith was with lance making sure HE was okay. Lance wasn't sure if he could see Leo again, the thought of Leo touching him again make his heart go faster and faster by the second. Keith started to get worried once lance went into deep thought while leaning against the wall.

"Lance?" Keith whispered and lances head went up so fast, Keith was surprised he didn't get whiplashed.

"You okay?" He asked again and lance nodded his head,smiling hesitantly.

"You sure? You know you could talk to me, right?" Keith reassured.

"Y-yeah. I'm sorry. I just.....I hate seeing him again." Lance shook at the end.

"Take that pain. Put that into anger, once we get in a battle field give it everything you've got to make sure Leo and Zarkon never hurt people anymore!" Keith smiled and lance nodded.

"Paladins please report to the control center, we are beginning the broadcast to their main ship now!" Allura's voice came over the coms and both boys looked at each other and smiled.Lance gave Keith a peck on the lips as they went to the control center.

They gathered around the screen and made sure Lotor wasn't seen until time was right. Soon the pitch black screen turned purple and a familiar face appeared on the screen.

"Haggard." Allura spat

"Castle Of Lions. What a pleasure." She smirked back at the team.

"What is it that you want. We have a very busy schedule." Haggar smirked

"We wish to have an exchange." Allura glared and the team nodded.

"What would be this 'exchange', Princess?" Haggar asked with a curious but amused face.

"We wish to have the Holt family and Leo." Shiro continued for Allura

"What would we have in this?" Haggard asked

As soon as she finished her question, Shiro harshly grabbed Lotor by the arm and kicked him to the floor to show Haggar.

"You May have the heir to the Galra empire, Lotor." Allura smiled and haggar glared back.

"Why should we do this?" She asked with an angered glare.

"Because unless you want us to kill him,you will give us what we want or do you not want a heir to your empire.It would crash and burn without a proper leader." Allura smirked knowing how to get what she wanted.

"I shall talk to my empire to see what he thinks about this matter. I will get back to you in either a couple Quintants or a few Vargas." Haggar glared then the screen went black.

As soon as they were done, Shiro helped Lotor up and got him out of the cuffs he was precious in.

"Sorry about man-handling you. I had to make it seem you were a prisoner and hated on the ship." Shiro apologized.

"It is quite alright my friend. I understand why you did it." Lotor smiled.

"Now that we have that out of the way. How about we have a victory dinner?" Hunk asked and everyone nodded and laughed

"It will be done in a varga." Hunk added then left.

Everyone went on their own ways to do what ever they wanted until dinner. But there was one thing for sure.

The team was ready as they'll ever be.
Word count: 1197


Okay so.....I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while but SCHOOL ENDED AND IM SOOO HYPE!

So I will be active until I end this, which will be sooner than I think but you know, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHEN! But I want to thank you for everything. I wouldn't be making this if you guys didn't like it. But I will be starting a new story but I don't know what it's about it it's title.

So I love you guys and have a great day/night:3

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