I'm coming home, i'm coming home, tell the world i'm coming home.

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I'm hella bored. But I need your guys to go read my dudes story! They're amazing and deserves the best! Caramilk13

Thanks for 40k!!
3rd POV

It's been a few months since the reunion of the Holt Family. Since then, Matt and Pidge have been working together to either fix stuff that was broken, improved the castle, or hacked into Galra systems.

Sams been helping Coran out a lot with the ship as well. Whenever's there's a fight against the Galra, he's right next to Sam fighting together. But recently, it's been quiet. Way too quiet for anyone's liking, currently everyone is having lunch in the dining room.

Of course, Keith was next to Lance holding his hand under the table. Pidge was in the middle of Sam and Matt, Hunk was next to Matt. Shiro was at the top right of the table, while Allura was at the top. Coran was on her left, then it was Rosályn and Lotor together.

Everyone was laughing and talking to each other. This has been going on since the last Galra attack a couple weeks ago.

"It's been quiet, do you think the Galra are up so something?" Hunk asked while taking a bite of his goo.

"Well, I did to hack into the Galra's system and cameras. I was thinking everything was normal until I heard some soldiers talking." Pidge said bringing up her laptop from her lap.

"What did it say?" Shiro asked

"Well, I'm not really sure. It's in Galra. Since I couldn't translate it, i have no idea what they're saying." Pidge said typing in something then displaying.

As everyone was listening to the recording, mostly both Alteans and Lotor listening most. Rosályn listening other to important bits. Once the recording ended. They both sat there, in shock.

"What did it say?" Pidge asked

"Do you want me to say it Lotor or do you?" Allura asked.

"Um. I'll do it." Lotor took a breath and looked at the team.

"My father is dead." Lotor said.

"What?! How?!" Lance asked

"From the attack with Leo. He was on that ship Rosályn planted that bomb on. He also got shop in the heart." Allura said whiling Lotor leaning back in his chair.

"So, What's next?" Hunk asked.

"Lotor will take over as emperor. He has to light the flame." Coran said.

"When will that be?" Keith asked

"It will be what you humans call it, two days from now." Rosályn said.

"I see, but once you become emperor. What will happen then?" Pidge asked

"Well, I'll try to give peace over all planets my father enslaved. But I think you paladins will be able to go home." Lotor smiled

"We can go home?" Lance asked with tears coming to his eyes.

"Yes, you guys will be able to go home until Voltron is needed again." Allura said and tears escaped Lance's face.

"We can go home! I'll get to see my family again!" Lance smiled.

Keith rubbed Lance's back and he hid his face into Keith's shoulder. Hunk smiled and Pidge looked at San and Matt from the other side of the table. Shiro put his hand on Allura and they smiled at one another. James smiling at the team.

"Now team, we need to make sure Lotor lights a flame. If he doesn't he won't be able to become emperor." Allura said and they all nodded.

They all dispatched from their seats to go do whatever the needed to do. Hoping the next two days will come fast.


Everyone was getting ready for Lotor's coronation. Putting on their Paladin suits. Only the paladins were going, Allura, Coran, James, and Rosályn stayed back at the castle just in case something bad happened and need out of the planet fast.

All the Galra Generals were there, Sendak glaring at Lotor and he only smirked at Sendak.

"Pay I have your attention please. Now today is a very important day for our Galra heritage. Today Lotor or an other General will be become emperor. May they please step forward and grab a torch." The elder said.

Lotor stepped forward and tried to grasp a torch. But a hand was right beside him. Sendak. He snarled at him and picked up a torch.

As Sendak tried to run for the flame, Lotor kicked the torch out of his hand. Putting out the flame.

"There is no way in hell would I let you become emperor. I'm the son of Zarkon, the throne is mine!" Lotor snarled.

"You were banished! We shouldn't let a disappointment be our best emperor!" Sendak snarled back.

Lotor got his sword out and pointed it at Sendak. Soon after he got in place as they started fighting. Lotor took off full speed at Sendak and he snarled blocking Lotor's attack. Sendak tried to grab Lotor with his huge bionic hand but Lotor flipped and landed on a few stairs a head of him.

Sendak attack Lotor and made him loose his balance. Making him fall, Lotor got up quickly and stabbed into Sendak's real arm. Causing him to howl in pain. Lotor kick his leg and kicked his head to make him fall.

Once Sendak was on the floor, Lotor ran telling his battle cry. Before Lotor stabbed into Sendak's chest he yelled.

"Victory or death!"

As he stabbed into Sendak's chest. His light from his arm glitched then went off. His breathing stopped.

Lotor looked up at the rest of the Generals and the paladins. Eyes widen as they realized he killed Sendak. The Generals bowed with one hand over their chest.

Lotor went up and lit the flame.

"Vrepit Sa!" Lotor yelled

"Vrepit Sa!" The Generals said in unison.

Lotor nodded at the paladins and they all smiled. Their plan succeeded, all smiling knowing that the galaxy was safe under Lotor's rule.

Lotor made his way down to the rest of the paladins and smiled.

"I hope you have a safe trip from to earth. I will miss you guys very much. Don't forget to call if anything shows up." Lotor smiled and the paladins nodded.

Rosályn coming down from the ship, running into Lotor's arms. She looked into Lotor's eyes and smiled. Leaning in to kiss Lotor and he kissed back.

They pulled back a few seconds later smiling hopelessly at each other.

"I love you Rosályn." Lotor smiled.

"I love you too Lotor." Rosályn said back.

The paladins smiled and made their way back to the castle. Once they go there, they went to the bridge to find everyone there smiling.

"I think it's time for you paladins to go home to earth. It's been a long time and you guys earned it for fighting the Galra. It's been a pleasure fighting with you guys." Allura smiled tears forming.

"Indeed. You earned it. Well done you guys!" Coran smiled.

"I can't believe it! We're going home guys!" Hunk laughed and brought everyone into a tight hug.


I'm coming home, I'm coming home, tell the world I'm coming home. Let the rain wash away, all the pain from yesterday. I know my kingdom awaits, and they forgiven my mistakes.

I'm coming home, I'm coming home, tell the world I'm coming.
Word count: 1,237

I'm actually crying guys! Only a few more chapters then it's over! It's been fun you guys! It's been amazing! I love every single one you beautiful children!

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