Home sweet home

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It's been months since they found out the information, that the team could finally go home. Each member was excited, The Holt family could see their mom or wife again, Hunk could see him family, Shiro could see his mom and dad, Lance and James could see their family, The Altean's could see earth, but there was one Paladin that wasn't rejoicing about going back to a planet he once called "Home".

They were landing in a few minutes, they could see the green and blue planet. All smiling but one, he stood in the corner on the bridge, eye closed, arms crossed.

"Babe? Are you okay?" The blue Paladin asked his boyfriend.

Keith opened his eyes and smiled, it was forced a little, lance could only frown more.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Keith 'smiled' then weaved their fingers together.

"I'm not believing you. Babe, is everything okay?" Lance asked again, bringing Keith in closer. Wrapping his arms around Keith's waist.

"Lance, we're going home. You should be happy!" Keith smiled.

"So should you." Lance started

"Listen, you have people waiting for you, I'm have no one." Keith said and Lance frowned. Lance brought a hand up to Keith's chin, stroking it. He leaned in and kissed Keith.

"Now you have me and my family. They will love you." Lance smiled and Keith did the same.

"Are you sure? What if they don't like me, or my mullet like you always did." Keith frowned.

"Babe, only I can hate that mop on your head. They will love you, trust me." Lance laughed and brought Keith into a hug.

They turned their attention to Allura after she cleared her throat.

"Well, we are landing now. Where are we landing?" Allura asked

"Garrison." Shiro said and the rest nodded.

"Awe man. That Iverson hated me." Lance fake cried and Keith laughed and rubbed his back.

"Well, we can't just land someone in the world. The people of earth will freak out by an Alien ship." Coran said, twisting his mustache.

"Coran is right. The only place we could go is the Garrison." Pidge said pushing up her glasses.

They came to an agreement, they would land at the Garrison any minute now.


Allura landed the ship and officers and higher ranks came bursting out of the business with guns.

Once the castle was landed, The Paladins came out first. Shiro leading, there were mummers and gasping all around. Iverson bursting through the crowd, his eyes were wide.

"Iverson sir." Shiro saluted

"Stand down. Where have you soldiers been these past few years?" Iverson asked

"We have been in space. Protecting it from a alien spices called the Galra. We've been protecting it with lions, all together called Voltron." Shiro Informed and Iverson stood there.

"You said years. How many years?" Lance suddenly said.

"You've been gone for about five years. We all thought you all were dead, we sent out a message to your family breaking the news to them all." Iverson said

"Five years." Lance said and looked at the ground.

"Are you okay lance?" Keith whispered to lance and brought him into a hug. Lance dug his face into Keith's shoulder, Keith wrapping his arms around lance.

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