Lock him up.

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Does anyone know this? If someone does plz say it. That'll make my day very happy.
But ok ok I think I'm back. Time to get back to it. Have fun bbys:3

I seriously don't know why you guys like the story's 22k loves. I remember when we were at like 200 but 22!!!! I love you guys sm....
Nobody's POV

While Lance and Rosályn were having their bonding moments things were getting real in the control room.

"Why should we trust you now?"

Everyone turned around to see the red Paladin crossing his arms with an eyebrow raised. For a moment all there were was silence until Lotor smiled.

"Because. I need your help to kill my 'father'. I don't expect you to forgive me, but in my sake I didn't want to. It was my fathers doing, he was convinced I was a traitor and I needed to prove myself. I am very sorry and wish you could forgive me. I wouldn't if I were in your shoes but at least do this to take down Zarkon. To save the universe." Lotor looking at the floor and once he looked up his eyes were glistened over.

"Let's get this straight." Keith walked over slowly with a fuming gaze. He looked straight up at Lotor and poked him in the chest.

"I don't fucking like you. Don't go near lance then everything will be okay. If I see you acting suspicious I won't hesitate to throw you out the airlock into the deep hell of space. I'll turn you into star dust, you big tall fucking furry." Keith said poking Lotors chest every so often. Lotor nodded and smiled.

"Don't worry. I have another in my heart." Lotor said sadly.

"Well let's show you to your room you'll be staying at. Until further notice I have to put you in a room not close to ours. But you'll be by Rosályns. It's in the lower class section but it's still nice." Allura continued as the team and Lotor followed her to the elevator.

"Keith could you go tell Lance to meet us in the control room and Rosályn to come down and help Lotor?" Shiro asked and Keith nodded.

He went to find them and then he heard voices coming from the 'living room'. He walked slowly and listen in. He could hear much but he heard footsteps and ran. As soon as he saw them walking out he walked forward.

"Come on Keith. Your acting skills are amazing you got this!" Keith thought

"I'll see you later okay?" Rosályn said and hugged lance then walked the other way. As the footsteps got louder and louder Keith was backing into the wall almost going into it.


"Shit!" Keith thought

"Oh! Hey lance! Come here often?" Keith said scratching his neck

"Keith. We live here. Together. Are you okay? Are you feeling okay? Come here let me check your temp." Lance said walking over to check on him.

"I-I'm Fine!" Keith said walking backwards.

"Are you sure?" Lance frowned with concern.

"Y-yes." Keith mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

Lance got closer to Keith and wrapped his arms around the shorter Paladin. Their faces were so close and Keith's face was redder then his own jacket.

"Keith?" Lance said as their lips were inches away.

"Yes." He whispered back closing his eyes

"Were you listening to our conversation?" Lance smirked.

"Yes." He whispered back.

Lances lips got even closer, they were practically almost touching.


Keith got quiet, he didn't know what to say. Hell! He didn't even know why he listened in their conversation.

"I-I don't know." Keith whispered

"I see. Well-" lance got closer and their lips were almost and I mean almost touching until lance smirked. He looked at Keith face as Keith leaned Into the kiss. Lance backed away and Keith stumbled toward. He looked at the blue eyed Paladin and looked confused.

"I'm sorry. Did you expect a kiss? Well your gonna try harder then that." Lance said turned around slowly and walking away smiling. Keith stood there and realized what just happened.


Keith chased after lance as he ran to the com room. Lance started laughing as he ran towards he thought a vacant room. Keith caught up to him and lance giggled, Keith swiftly grabbed lance a gently grabbed his chin and kissed lance. They kissed for a few minutes only to hear a cough and a giggle from the room.

They both looked up to see almost the whole team looking at them and laughing.

"You guys are the definition of Selena Gomez's song 'can't keep my hands to myself'." James said and the team laughed. Both of the boys blushed and laughed as lance hugged Keith from behind, Keith leaned back into him loving the warmth.

"Shut up!" Lance said laughing

"Where were you guys at?" Pidge asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

"I had a talk with Rosályn and Keith decided to listen in to our conversation." Lance smirked

"Is keithy jealous?!" Pidge laughed

"NO!" Keith yelled with his face turning red.

"With the look on your face now it says otherwise." Hunk added

"NOT YOU TOO HUNK!" Keith whined

"It's okay to be jealous Keith. I know I'm super hot and people fall to their knees when they look at me." Lance smirked

"Yeah right. The last girl the fell to your knees was in when that one girl tripped over a chair and you helped her." James laughed and lance frowned.

"Not cool dude! Cock block much!" Lance frowned.

Everyone laughed while lance was frowning and shaking his head but unfortunately he joined in the laughter.

"Do we have the rest of the plain?" Rosályn asked and everyone ceased their laughing fit and got serious.

"Yes. We will kill Leo and Lotor will kill his father." Shiro said a Lotor nodded

"Do you think we can actually do this?" Pidge said

"Yes. I believe we can. If we can do this I actually think after this we could go home." Shiro smiled

"I believe so. But we just need to end his reign." Allura stated

"For the universe......" Hunk smiled

"For our family...." Lance smiled while looking at Keith

"For everyone. Team Voltron will save the universe." Allura continued

"Yeah!" Everyone shouted and they laughed after

            Voltron will save the universe

Word count: 1060


So since schools ends in 4 Days and I promise I will update soon. Bye loves

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