The Emergency Signal

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Enjoy loves❤️
Keith's POV

It's been six months since Lance got captured by the galra. Our team has fallen apart since he's been gone, we barely laugh anymore and nobody jokes around everyone is always serious. It is honestly really boring here and and there's a lot of fights now. I'm usually sleeping in Lance's room, I lay here think how so much has changed.

Pidge hasn't slept in weeks, she's always on her computer or in greens hanger. Hunk never stops baking cookies or is never out of the kitchen. Shiro is always with Allura in the control room looking through old and new galra files or looking through galra systems. Coran is always around somewhere, if he isn't in the control room searching for Lance he is fixing the ship even though it doesn't need to be fixed he just does it anyway. I feel like Coran was the closest to Lance, He was like a son that he never had. Then  there's me, I'm just training a lot so when the day comes I will fight for Lance to come home, To us, to me.


5 months ago

When blue came back to us I thought lance was gonna be there waiting for me, with arms wide to embrace me with a big hug. He came back to me I MEAN US. I ran to the hanger Blue let me in quick I mean that was a little suspicious because blue doesn't let anyone in except Lance. I found the letter my heart broke more, even though the letter said that lance was okay I just couldn't believe it. Then the rest of the team ran in Pidge had a huge smile on her face and hunk was crying with a smile in his face. They stopped and looked at me I didn't know I had tears running down my face.

"Hey what's that?" Pidge asked

"yeah what that's?" Hunk asks too

"Um it's a letter from Commander Thance, he um said that lance was alive and fine" I said stuttering a little

"Did he say where he was?!" Allura said with a smile on her face.

"No he didn't say anything about where they were." I said looking at the ground.

"Oh ok." Pidge said turning around slowly

Everyone did the same thing, they told turned around with disappointment in their eyes.

*back to present time*

Day by day we have slowly been dying inside without him, I was slowly dying without him. I keep his letter in my pocket or in red. No matter how long I stay here in his room it's just not the same without him. I stay in his room a lot, I never come out unless to train or to get something to eat but I rarely even eat anymore. I just sleep a lot now, taking in his scent makes tears come to my eyes I just can't take it anymore. I start to stand up and go to his bathroom I look at myself, My skin is paler the it was before, my eyes are duller, My hair gotten longer, and my skin feels rougher.

I went to reach out to touch my reflection then the alarms went off, I jumped a bit and then ran out of lances room to go to the control room. Everyone was already there.

"What's going on?!" Shiro said in a leader voice

"It's an emergency signal by a galra pod!" Allura said with a smile on her face.

"Lance!" Pidge said running to the screen.

"Well I don't know if it's exactly Lance Pidge." Allura said

"Well who else it fucking be!" I said snapping out

"It could be a trap by the galra, they might have sent out a pod to make us think it's lance to make us go there!" Allura said with a stern voice

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