Finding them

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Go follow my new fan account on Instagram. snoopy_royal. If I ever change it, it will always have royal in it.
3rd POV

Everyone was in the control room gathered around as Allura made her speech.

"Since everyone is here. I shall start our meeting. Now since the Galra hasn't attack in a while actually. I think we should go out and try to find Pidge's family. Since Leo stated -before he died - that they were located 301 sector of a Galra base on a planet called Kybo. I think we should travel there and try to rescue them." Allura finished but folding her hands together.

"How long would it take?" Pidge asked

Allura smiled then continued, "It would only take a couple Varga if we use the teludav."

"Do we know anything about this planet? We haven't been there yet." Shiro asked

"They have been under control by the Galra for many Decapheebs. They used to be a peaceful planet. But since the Galra took over they mainly used that planet for storage. They have an arena there so they use it for fights too. Such a shame, it used to be a beautiful planet." Coran stated with a frown.

"Yes! It used to be an amazing planet. Father used to take me there a lot. Their flowers were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." Allura added.

"I think we should try. I mean it's worth a shot." Hunk said and lance nodded.

"Yeah I mean.It's a 50/50 chance they might be there if not already taken away from that planet." Keith said

"Father only visited the planet once a few months or weeks. It's a tight facility." Lotor said while rubbing his neck.

"What if we send Lotor in there as a spy. They still think we have him hostage." Shiro said

"But what if they find out that he's on our team!" Rosályn said while frowning.

"Hey it's worth a shot right?" Lotor said while looking into Rosályns eyes. She looked away for a second still frowning.

"I just don't want you to get hurt." Rosályn added.

"I won't. I promise." Lotor said while bring her into a tight hug.

"Now that we have that settled. We are going there. We will be there in a varga so get ready." Allura said while clapping for them to get a move on.

Everyone dispatched and went on they're own way. Once they all got into their armor they went to hang out on they're own. Waiting to get to Kybo.

*skipping time cuz idk what to write about and it's like 1 am in the morning so;)*

Once the varga past Allura made an announcement to come to the main room so they can check the planet out.

"Now, since we are sending in Lotor first I think we could use someone as bait." Allura said

"Who though?" Hunk asked while swallowing nervously.

"I'll go."


"Why not?"

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