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Have fun bbys....This is gonna be fun!

Bro so like I'm in a musical (thanks a lot bro!She knows who she is cuz she reads my stuff and freaks out at everything ending to hype me up)But I sobbed during the whole thing because there is this couple that honestly reminds me of klance *cue sobbing here*

And I'm trying to get my brothers into Voltron but you know....lil fuckers!

Rosályns POV

I heard pacing around me and felt my heart beat start to slow.I hated when people paced, it brought back the memories when I was training to be an assassin. The sounds cracking in the air brought a shiver down my spine. I felt a pair of eyes on me and I turned around to see a violet pair of eyes.

"What is your name?" He asked

"Kiss my ass!" I chuckled darkly

"Sorry, not into girls.." He said smirking and i glared at him.

"Hey maybe you can trust him! I can sense he's not all human..." Nata said slowly

"What's is your name and I'll give you mine..." He said half smiling

"Fine imma trust you on this! I swear if we get into trouble imma mentally kick you fucking ass!" I thought and Zata giggled

"My name...is rosályn.." I said quietly and slowly

"My name is Keith! Nice to meet you!" He said kind of smiling

"What are you exactly..your not any species I ever seen before?" Keith said looking at my ears.

"I'm part Werela, it's what humans call werewolves but I'm also part Galra since my father was Galra and my mum was Werela" I said slowly explain

"I'm part Galra, my mom was Galra but my dad was human..."Keith looked in my eyes softly

"What know...you look familiar to a Galra solider that kinda looks like you Keith.." I said looking at him closely

"R-really?!" His eyes showed fear and curiosity

"Yeah! I forget her name though but I saw her around base a couple of times.." I said smiling slowly

"Oh my...do you know where a person named Matt Holt is?!" A voice from the back of Keith I saw the tiny Paladin with her eyes dilated a little bit and her fist balled

"I'm sorry but...I can't give out Galra information like that! I'm still a solider! And if they found out I even slipped the Galra solider that looks like Keith thing...oh god they're die!" My hands started to shake and my breath hitched

"Who's gonna die?" The rest of the paladins except the blue one came in I scooted back away from the group.

"Oh god! Nara and Nino! Nana....they're gonna die! Of god!" I put on hands on my ears

I haven't had an attack in years! Ever since they were taken! Please no...

"Rosályn! Listen to me! Breath!" Keith said and I started to breath deeply

I eventually calmed down and my breathing became normal.

"Hey...what happened? You okay?" Keith asked

"Keith! What are you doing she's the enemy!" Allura said

"HERE YOU GO AGAIN! TAKE A FUCKING CHILL PILL OR SOMETHING! STOP ASSUMING SHIT! SHES A PRISONER AHE WAS FORCED TO! GOD DAMN ALLURA!" Keith started yelling and everyone's eyes went wide and the princess stormed out of the room with a guy with orange hair.

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