Another bonding moment?!

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If you saw infinity war, I didn't and I kinda don't want to I just LOVE this meme. It makes me cry. But I had to make this one. I just cant breathe.

I LOVE YOU GUYS SM!!! THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS POSSIBLE FOR ME. I honestly think I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys and the votes and love. I want to let you guys know that I love you sm!!!

I love my life.
Lances POV

I got into my lion to get into position. The plan was easy as this, Lotor will 'attack' us but he will sneak around the planet in a pod and get to our ship. All we have to do is set the stage. We began to see fighter ships, but we all had a smirk on our faces.

"How are you managing with the machine James?" Shiro asked

Let's backtrack, you see James wanted to help with this. And I knew he was stubborn so I convinced Shiro to let him help. Well, I knew he was fine at machines, well he was a beast at Call Of Duty, but in real life not so much.

"Um, fine I guess.......HOLY FUCK-"

"James are you okay?" I laughed

"That ship came out of no where like what the fuck?! But his is just like when Deadpool was shooting at the guy!" James giggled

"Bro, you are brutal. You were just like this when we're playing Call of Duty!" I said then starting remember those times.

"I- shut up!" James said obviously pouting.

"Ok ok girls. Calm down. Pay attention. We need to stay on track with the plan. Just wait for the signal." Shiro said.

I took a deep breath you got this. Just wait for the signal. Wait.

"Hey. Is so quiet. Weird right?" Pidge said and Hunk giggled.

"Feels weird." Keith said

"Yeah. Weird." I laughed dryly

"How much longer?" Hunk asked

"Just a few ticks." Allura said

"We should attack now!" Shiro said and we jumped into battle.

Shiro was shouting out orders, I blasted battle ships left and right. I saw one ship sneaking away from the rest. Maybe it's Lotor. We kept attack until we heard beeping sound.

"Is that the signal?" Pidge asked and Shiro hummed

"Allura is Lotor on the ship?" Shiro asked

Allura popped on the with Lotor. She smiled and nodded.

"You all can come back now. We must retreat." Lotor said.

"Alright then." Shiro nodded and we retreated into a wormhole.

Back at the castle.

"Well that was something." Keith said and I laughed

"I believe that was the most less intense mission we've ever been on." I said laughing.

"Ok. We must be serious. Once we walk through that door we must be serious." Shiro said and we all nodded.

We walked through the door and found a tall half Galra male. We all looked at him and he turned around. His white hair, his lavender pale skin. While everyone was looking at Lotor, I looked over a Rosályn. Her nose was scrunched up a little bit, I noticed this face and frowned. I walked over to her leaving the rest of the team.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Um- nothing." She said folding her arms.

"Your nose is scrunched up and even a blind man could tell that there's something wrong." She looked over at me surprised.

"How could you tell?" She said quietly.

"I have siblings. I could tell behind instinct." I smiled.

"Now what's really wrong? We can go somewhere else if you want." She looked at me a nodded. We walked out of the room and went to find a quiet place. We ended up in what we call the living room.

"Now. What's wrong." I asked and she looked up at me.

"I miss home. I miss my pack. I miss everything." Rosályns eyes started watering up.

"I understand. I miss my home too." I said smiling.

"Why did you leave your home? You had a family back at home. Why did you leave it all?" She asked trying to hide her face when obviously she was crying.

"Well, at first I did wanted to go home. I miss my home so much, but I knew I couldn't. I'd rather keep stay here to keep them safe then go home and then being in danger. And plus I think It would've been selfish to leave Keith. He doesn't really have a family besides Shiro." I asked looking down at her. I pulled her into a hug and she sat on a little of my lap and then rested her head on my shoulder.

"Think about this. Your keeping your family safe from evil things. Day by day you keep them alive and safe. It's okay to miss them. It's okay to cry! If your ever need me I'm alway here to talk. Ok?" After I was done with my little speech I felt her hiccup a few time and her squeeze on my armer.

"O-ok. T-thank you L-lance" she said hiccuping a few times. I started rubbing small cycles on her back to calm her down.

"What was your home like?"

I looked down at her and her blackish eyes looked up at me and inside them I saw curiosity.

"Well, I lived in Cuba. With my mom and my twin sister and my big sister and big brother. My dad died when I was little when he went off to a business trip. But after that we came closer as a family. It was beautiful there, the ocean was my favorite place of all. The garlic nots were my favorite food when me and my family went to the shack by the ocean. It was always hot but we didn't care. When it rained I loved to look out the window and hear the noise it always made me tired." I said laughing

"It sounds nice." She mumbled

"What was your like?" I asked

"Well in my plant it was made up of woods. Since we were half wolf we could transform into one. But people didn't like my family that much because we were half Galra too. But me and my little brother and sister we didn't care. It rained there a lot, I loved feeling the rain on my fur." She smiled.

"Well. I think we have something in common. I'm sorry I snapped out on you before. I think I was on edge. That didn't give me the right to assume." I looked down at her and frowned.

"It's fine. But I think we should go back before we miss something important." She said.

We got up and I hugged her again and she hugged back.

"If you ever need someone to talk to let me know ok?" I said and she nodded as we headed back to the room.
                   This war isn't over.

Word count-1225

Sorry these chapters might be boring but these are leading up to the main event. This is ending soon and don't worry I'm starting a new story after this is over. I'm creating a........ your gonna have to wait and see. Well bye I'll be back sooner then you think.

But in the meantime check my other story out ;)

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