Its time.

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I'm back!!!  (That's my wife^^)
I'm sorry I got sick but my senpai wrote it for u guys! But I have a story really quick.
so ever since I've known my best friend (4 years going strong), I've been known as the cuddle type kinda girl.So she got tired of me clinging into her pillows and taking them,so she bought me a huge teddy bear that's almost taller then me (I'm 5'1) I'm in love....with this teddy bear.
3rd POV

"Everyone please report to the main room. We are leaving in a few minutes to go to the exchange." Allura's voice boomed through the coms.

Lance woke up first, he saw Keith wrapped around his waist and he smiled.

"Keith looked so cute when he's sleeping" lance thought

Keith's hair was everywhere, his mouth slightly open and soft light snores came from the short male. Lance needed to wake him up.

He started to shake him but no anvil, then he started to put kisses all over his face. Keith eyes fluttered open and a soft little giggle came from the male.

"Lance stop." Keith giggled as lance started tickling his sides.

He squealed and started kicking lance to make him stop.

"LANCE! Stop." Keith said in between laughs.

"Ugh fine!" Lance sighed letting Keith go from his arms and put his head under a pillow.

"Allura wants us in the control room by the way." Lance said while hugging his pillow tighter.

The bed shifted as a sign that Keith got off the bed. Lance opened his eyes and looked at Keith. He smiled and got off the bed, he went to wrap his arms around his waist.

"You know whatever happens out there, I love you with all my heart. Right?" Lance said.

Keith turned around to he could face lance. He saw pain in his eyes, pain, fear, and a little bit of nervousness.

"I love you too. Don't worry, I'll let nothing happen to you. Even when he's on this very ship." Keith smiled.

He brought lance closer and kissed him slowly. They backed up for air once their mini make out session was over. Lance hugged Keith and smiled.

"Thank you. For everything." Lance smiled.

Keith nodded and they went back to get ready for the ordeal. Once they were done they went to the coms room to see everyone there. Keith took lances hand and walk towards the rest of the group with a proud look on his face.

"Took you long enough. God I don't think it takes that long to get ready unless....." Pidge smirked

"No! We weren't doing anything you gremlin." Lance screeched

They all busted out laughing while the two love birds faces got redder by the second. Soon everyone got settled down and Allura looked at them serious.

"Ok. We will be there in a few ticks. Everyone sit in their seats and we'll begin to go to the location on an abandon planet." Allura explained.

Everyone nodded and went to their seats, they began to sit down as they were beginning to go into orbit. It was a rocky ride but once they were landing they already saw a purple ship.

They all got out of their seats and began to walk out of the castle. Galra sentries were stationed outside the ship as Zarkon and haggard were standing there.

"Where's my son." Zarkon boomed

"Where's Leo." Allura shot back.

Soon a tall male came into view,He had black hair,fair skin,and brown eyes. Lances eyes were starting to fill with hatred and fear.

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