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I love that sm *crying and rolling on the floor*

I've been thinking....I wanna start another book, i either want it about Mafia lance au or soulmate! Or I could do both but which one would be better. Let me know beautifuls ;)
3rd POV

"Well now that is settled. We need a plan!" Coran said

"Ok I have one!" Shiro started while everyone else moving closer to him into a little circle.

"Ok so first we need to find a way to get inside details. Rosályn we need you to get Lotor on our side. I've noticed the way he looked at you and we could use that as a advantage! Then after we could bargain lance with Leo. I know this will be hard with you past lance but if we're going to take him down we need to do this. Then after that we could send in the rest of the Paladins to assassinate Leo and possibly Zarkon." Shiro explained.

"That sounds like a good plan but what about haggard?" Allura asked.

"Well, when we get Lotor on our side he'll probably help us take down haggard." Shiro said.

"Well I think that calls it." Hunk said smiling.

"Okay we need to get Lotor. Rosályn if you don't mind we need to call him. Like right now." Shiro said sternly.

"Sure, lets get started!" Rosályn said half smiling.

"Okay Coran could you call Lotor for us?" Shiro asked and Coran nodded.

"Okay, only thing we need to do it wai-"

"I was expecting a call from you Paladins." Lotor interrupted.

"Lotor." Rosályn said

"Rose! My dear are you alright?" Lotor asked concerned.

"I'm fine but we need your help. We can't let Leo have lance. Of what I heard he's as crazy as Zarkon!" Rosályn explained frantically.

"I knew something was up with him! Well no need to fear I already have a plan." Lotor said

"What may that be?" Lotor asked

"Well you see-"

"We need your help Lotor." The princess blurted out.

"With?" Lotor asked

"Taking down your father..." the princess said and Lotors eyes sparked a little with interest.

"Oh really now? How exactly would you do that princess?" Lotor said and the princesses eyes flashed with amusement.

"You." She said bluntly and Lotor laughed.

"How is that." He said getting colder

"You see, your his child. Same power, lust for power. Out of anywhere, you would be the person to be interested in taking down your father." The princess said smiling and Lotor chuckled.

"What do I get out of this?" He asked twiddling his fingers and his claws were starting to show.

"You get to bring down Zarkons reign and you could be the next Galra leader. I believe your would be better then him. We could make a deal. Join together." The princess said with her eyes turning dull.

"Well, why would I do that? After everything I did to poor little blue. I didn't see this coming." Lotor said smirking

"Well even though I don't like you doesn't mean we can't work together." The princess said waving her hand around.

"What did he do?" I asked out loud noticing the tension.

"I wanted him, he looked like a good treasure and I wanted him and I get whatever I want. So I took him, tortured him. Made him forget where he was from and all the team. Made him only think of Leo. But over time, I noticed my fathers obsession with Leo and I noticed it was him who was making ideas in my head. And for that I'm truly sorry blue Paladin." Lotor said looking sincere.

"I-it's okay." The blue Paladin said kinda smiling with Keith holding his hand.

"That's what you did." I asked and Lotor nodded.

"How could you do that?!" I yelled obviously shocking most people.

"I said I was sorry I-"

"If you were here I would've kicked your fucking ass lotor. Just because you have a higher rank doesn't mean shit. If I was lance I would have declined your apology!" I yelled

"Rosályn." Lance said


"Rosályn!" Lance yelled and noticed he was right in front of me.

"Forgiveness is what brings people together and forgetting helps move on." Lance said while smiling


"No buts. I forgive him. Plus we can't have any bad blood while taking Zarkon down. That's all that matters right now." Lance said smiling

"Thank you blue Paladin. I thank you for forgiving me. My mistakes. Be in all that plan to make you part Altean was a plan to get you out. Im sorry." Lotor said smirking

"Well now, as long as that's out of the way. We should get to planning more." The princess said

"Hey princess-"

"Call me Allura. You shouldn't have to call me that." The pri- I mean Allura said and I smiled and nodded

"Allura. What will we be doing. We couldn't just talk over the coms since someone could be hearing." I said and Allura nodded

"Well let's bring him here." Shiro said

"Would that be safe?" Coran said

"Of course! If you don't feel safe I'll stay in a cell." Lotor said half smiling

"That won't be needed. Lotor will stay where Rosályn is staying. We'll just plan it as a kidnapping." Allura said

"Well when shall this plan start?" Lotor asked

"Tomorrow." Allura said

"Well I'll guide my ship near your location and I'll be there by tomorrow surely." Lotor said rubbing his head.

"Good. See you tomorrow." Allura said as the coms shut off.

"Well everyone get a good nights sleep. Tomorrow will be one hell of a ride." Shiro said and everyone nodded and ran off.

               Surely one hell of a ride indeed.

Word count:1092

Hey hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a couple weeks. PSSA'S have wiped me out during those weeks. But I promise I'll update soon. Love you!

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