See you again

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Shout out to mi kangaroo mans. I hate him sm. Won't let me be evil!
3rd POV

As everything got situated again, the adrenaline settling down a bit. Pidge had tears in her eyes as she ran to her father and Matt.

"I missed you guys so much!" Pidge said through he tears.

"We missed you too!" Sam said while hugging the small family he had with him.

"How did you get here young lady!" Sam suddenly yelled.

Pidge told her dad the whole story including every thing as much detail as she could.

"So your saying, you faked your identity, snuck out of the garrison, left your mother alone, and got trapped in space!" Sam rubbed his temples.

"Yes.." Pidge looked down and messed with her fingers.

"As much as I disapprove of your actions, as long as your safe that's all that matters to me." Sam brought her into another hug.

"I'm sorry." Pidge dug her head deeper into her fathers presence.

They hug for a few more minutes before they broke up the hug to see everyone smiling and staring at the lovely family.

"So I think we should introduce ourself." Allura smiled

"I'm Allura! I'm the owner of this ship and a Princess of a destroyed planet called Altea." Allura smiled

"I'm sorry for your loss Princess. And it's nice to meet you." Sam reached for her hand and smiled. Matt smiled and did the same.

"I'm Coran. I'm Allura's advisor and help manage the ship." Coran nodded his head and they nodded back.

"I'm hunk! I'm the paladin of the yellow lion! I also help fix the ship whenever it's needed." Hunk smiled

"I'm Lance. I'm the paladin of the blue lion. I help wherever is needed." Lance smiled and they both smiled back.

"I'm Keith. I'm the paladin of the red lion." Keith nodded politely

"I'm Shiro-"

"Takashi?!" Both of them yelled.

"We thought you died!" Sam said walking over to him.

"I knew you looked familiar. I couldn't recognize you. Your hair! The scar on the bridge of your nose. You look different, more buff!" Matt laughed

"I'm glad you two are alright!" Shiro smiled.

"But like I wanted to say. I'm the paladin of the black lion. The leader of Voltron." Shiro smiled.

"What's happened next? We got the Holtz. What now?" Hunk asked

"Well we still need to have Zarkon and Haggard to deal with." Coran explained

"Well we can deal with the another time. Why don't we get some rest?" Shiro smiled and everyone disbanded.

Before Lance and Keith were able to walk out James walked in and caught their attention. He was staring at Matt. Lance smirked and walked over to James with Keith's hand in his.

"So you like Matt?" Lance smiled as he whispered in her ear. James jumped and blushed.

"Dude! Not cool man!" James frowned.

"Matt! You still have another to meet!" Lance smirked and James looked at lance with wide eyes.

"Dude why would you do that! I wanted to meet him later! God I wanna kill y-"

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