if you're asking for my opinion

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—i think you should talk to someone,
anyone really, you don't necessarily have to talk to me if all you want is someone to talk to, and if that someone is me then i think you should make up your mind, i'm here just waiting for you to say something, and if you don't say anything at all then alright. you wanted to try to rebuild those broken, crumbling shambles that was once a house, no? you don't have to make up your mind now, or make a decision now, if you don't really plan on talking to me again then tell me, and i'll go back to whatever else but in the meantime i'll be waiting.

when you can't write because of the lack of subject, don't write. even if you want to, don't, for right now at least. don't think about writing or what to write about, take your mind off of it and wait until something comes into that creative brain of yours.

when you a want to talk your nights away with someone special, or will be special : go find someone who will be special or make someone that's already in your life special, go and make your own story, make it real instead of writing how you'd want it to be.

when you want to exist, just think, you exist right now, you're reading this, no? you're taking up space, you are matter, you're breathing and thinking, you exist. in my mind at least.


i lost my train of thought but yeah

that's it for right now i suppose

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